It can be built out modularly with higher performance storage, redundant disks, and, natch, a Thunderbolt Display.
Natch, there will be plenty of live, emotive shots from the cockpit and via wing mounted cameras.
The movie only went into production last summer, but it's being rushed out to the theaters (in 3-D, natch) on Feb. 11.
So, natch, the current glib, sweeping pronouncement (GSP) is 'CONTENT IS NOTHING.
Though the interior should look familiar to anyone who's ever laid eyes on a Clevo, Origin remodeled the lid, adding a matte finish option and race car-inspired molding (to evoke the idea of speed, natch).
ENGADGET: A closer look at Origin PC's Phase Change cooling system (and its new gaming laptops too)
Called UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access), the technology is designed to provide better call quality indoors (where your cell shouldn't otherwise work, natch) by switching over from a weak cell signal to a stronger in-home WiFi signal.
ENGADGET: Samsung, LG license technology to seamlessly pass calls from cellular to WiFi
They were asking that Apple be enjoined from using the "Tiger" moniker to promote its new operating system (Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, natch) anywhere on its web site or in any new advertising, packaging or signage.
Luxury Passover getaways are increasingly popular among the observant set, with a host of Jewish travel companies taking over resorts for the week to offer all-inclusive retreats with spa treatments, childcare, Glatt-Kosher meals and seders, natch in locales from Aruba to Tiberio, Italy.
On August 4, Louis Armstrong's birthday is celebrated with jazz and food (natch) at Satchmo SummerFest, while the Southern Decadence party on Labor Day weekend (preceding the first Monday in September), also known as "Gay Mardi Gras", keeps the entire city partying into the wee hours.