• National Bank of Greece dropped 13.5% while Alpha Bank fell 4.3% and Piraeus Bank slipped 2.8%.

    WSJ: European Stocks Post Small Losses

  • But the National Bank of Greece, despite the run-up in its stock, remains the sector's likely long-term winner.

    FORBES: Is There Anything Left To Buy?

  • National Bank of Greece is the country's largest banking group and recently made a big acquisition in Turkey.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But you also have banks like the National Bank of Greece, Allied Irish Bank, La Caixa Barcelona and Societe Generale.

    BBC: Inconvenient truths about Libor

  • National Bank of Greece (NBG) and Eurobank fell by 30% in morning trade, while Alpha and Piraeus lost up to 20%.

    BBC: Greek cash machine

  • NBG's parent, the National Bank of Greece, owns several big banks in Bulgaria and Macedonia and has branches all over Serbia.

    ECONOMIST: Good neighbours

  • National Bank of Greece (nyse: NBG - news - people ) is the country's largest banking group and recently made a big acquisition in Turkey.

    FORBES: The Exchange That Launched 1,000 Ships

  • The next on line, for instance, is National Bank of Greece (NYSE: NBG), the largest bank of Greece with an extensive presence in the Balkan region, Turkey, and Egypt.

    FORBES: Bank merger lights up Athens Exchange, up 16 percent!

  • Among the largest underlying components of IEV, in trading today Ryanair Holdings Plc ( NASD: RYAAY) is trading flat, and National Bank Of Greece S A ( NYSE: NBG) is up by about 4.5%.

    FORBES: IEV, RYAAY, NBG: ETF Outflow Alert

  • Among the hardest hit are Greek banks like Eurobank EFG which has plunged 41.24%, National Bank of Greece which is down 29.27% in euro terms and Alpha Bank not the Russian one which has tumbled 30%.

    FORBES: European Bank Shares Send Greek Default Signal

  • Economists at National Bank of Greece, an Athens lender, predict that, if Greece returns to the drachma, incomes will fall by at least 55%, bank lending rates would reach 37%, output would plunge by 22% and property values would fall by half.

    ECONOMIST: The Greek election

  • Under ELA, banks borrow from their national central bank, in this case the Bank of Greece, with approval of the ECB's governing council.

    WSJ: Europe Girds for Greek Exit

  • Germany is also the home to the European Central Bank and the biggest national creditor to indebted nations within the eurozone such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland all of which would make Germany's exit from the eurozone logistically difficult.

    BBC: Soros calls for Germany to 'lead or leave euro'

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