Not whether the producer is within the same national boundaries as ourselves or not.
And yes, the Internet exists in a place where national boundaries are all but meaningless.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | China: The Luckiest Geek in China
Financial markets move swiftly, firms' holdings and exposures change every day, and financial transactions do not respect national boundaries.
Unlike national boundaries, linguistic boundaries should form only in the valleys of his colour globe, never over the hills.
Increasingly, the forces that produced financial centres are ignoring national boundaries, gathering up financial businesses in ever greater concentrations.
ECONOMIST: A survey of financial centres: Capitals of capital | The
But it is limited to finance, a part of the economy where monetary union has already swept away national boundaries.
And taking those decisions early would, they said, bring rewards in a world where many companies were not constrained by national boundaries.
Video games like Re-Mission transcend national boundaries and cultures, he told CNN.
As the industry morphs into a private-sector play area, it is attracting a new class of managers--young, idealistic and unmindful of national boundaries.
Mad-cow disease is clearly no respecter of national boundaries: cattle and cattle-feed are traded (and cows sometimes actually walk) across borders in the Union.
Competition is bound to suffer if the opportunity to do business across Europe's national boundaries is stymied by governments blocking deals or engineering mergers at home.
International standards are increasingly important as on-line career counselling can be provided across national boundaries and therefore be immune from regulation by most, if not all, countries.
The Network builds international links between cities that share a common creative history, thereby promoting the sharing of cultural and creative knowledge across national boundaries and economic divides.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Creative Cities Network
Farish Noor, a professor at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, argues that in many instances, these conflicts are caused by old customs butting up against arbitrary modern national boundaries.
And national boundaries seem to shrink, as companies get bigger.
Peter dragged a backward Russia into the modern age by exploiting Western technology--shipbuilding in particular--and creating a formidable navy, as he reformed the economy and enlarged national boundaries.
But other surveys found the problem knows no national boundaries.
CNN: Pistorius case and the plague of violence against women
The telegraph and the telephone, followed by the airplane and radio, empowered corporations to vault national boundaries, conduct their business globally--and shift their wealth to the least onerous tax system.
As global regulators look for ways to reduce risk, CLS Bank offers an interesting model, although one that shows how much thought, time, and determination is required across national boundaries.
The journey takes them, for instance, to Taganak, one of the Turtle Islands, where the creatures (oblivious to such niceties as national boundaries) heave themselves ashore to lay their eggs.
The findings showed that China was the main beneficiary, with more than half of the projects - accounting for 91% of the 2011 investment - being located within its national boundaries.
Glenda Gloria, a Manila-based author and historian, notes that residents of the Philippines' Muslim provinces frequently traveled back and forth between Malaysia and Indonesia, trading and speaking a similar language before European and American colonizers introduced national boundaries.
To dig up the raw material, process it, convert from oxide to fluoride to metal to iodide, to mix it with mercury, make their own light bulbs, all of this within each of the different 192 sets of national boundaries.
"The rapid and global growth of the Internet raises a host of complex issues involving criminal law enforcement that expand beyond national boundaries, " Attorney General Janet Reno said Wednesday, addressing a conference on making the Internet a safer place for America's children.
The consultation period for the National Park boundaries closes on Friday and anyone with views on the plans has until then to send them to the Countryside Agency.
They eventually won their fight to extend national fishing boundaries.
To avoid chaos, though, national financial boundaries would need to be fixed not just by Britain, but by other countries too, a Herculean task that regulators are struggling with.
That is despite the metamorphosis of many into for-profit companies keen to consolidate across national and even continental boundaries.