The elections are the only way to guarantee the Palestinians preserve their national cohesion.
BBC: Mid-East press reflects on Arafat legacy
Yet if national cohesion is to be maintained, Indonesia one day will have to go some way toward defusing the resentments of those regions that feel neglected.
CNN: Nip This Rebellion
It is up the individual states to legislate and critics claim that - as a result - there is a lack of national cohesion in efforts to fight credit card fraud.
BBC: Identity theft is taking some of the shine off credit cards
Even as Kenya experienced a severe test to its stability in 2007 when violence broke out following disputed presidential results, studies indicate that community radios fostered national cohesion and played a much more positive role than their commercial partners during the election season, says KCOMNET.
UNESCO: Communication and Information
It strives to build bridges and break boundaries through innovative, interdisciplinary action based on the principles of sustainable development, social cohesion, national identity and democracy.
UNESCO: Communication and Information
The Royal Government of Cambodia has long acknowledged the important role that culture plays in shaping national identity, strengthening social cohesion and contributing to the economic development of Cambodia, and its initiative and leadership will no doubt be integral in developing and implementing effective policies and actions in the field of culture.