Look for the watering down of No Child Left Behind testing standards, as a favor to the National Education Association.
Mary Futrell, president of the National Education Association, responded in the press that smaller classes would give teachers more time to teach writing.
Armed guards, too, are not an absolute solution either, said the National Education Association, an influential teachers' union with 3 million members.
In short, Mr Hoffa, who now runs the second-biggest union in the land after the National Education Association (the teachers' union), is not without prospects.
Whole Language still has defenders today, particularly the National Education Association.
As a cause, killing the bill unites the Christian Coalition with the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Right to Life Committee with the National Education Association.
Nationwide, women comprised 86 percent of elementary teachers in the 2010-2011 school year, according to the National Education Association, compared to 62 percent of secondary school teachers.
Even the NEA (National Education Association) would agree.
FORBES: Bill Gates Says There Is Something Perverse In College Ratings
Some support an effort under way by the American Society for Pension Professionals and Actuaries and the National Education Association, among others, to create a model disclosure form to allow apples-to-apples comparisons of products' costs and benefits.
In developing MET, we have worked closely with Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and we have seen both the AFT and the National Education Association show a willingness to rethink evaluation systems.
Working against Walker are unions like AFSCME, the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union, which have also steered millions of dollars to the state in their efforts to unseat the governor.
Wisconsin membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees--the state's second-largest public-sector union after the National Education Association, which represents teachers--fell to 28, 745 in February from 62, 818 in March 2011, according to a person who has viewed Afscme's figures.
Change and advocating for change are both difficult, but through the work of the Ohio Education Association (OEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), I have been given the resources and assistance necessary to continue the work in which I believe so deeply.
WHITEHOUSE: Transforming Communities through Public Education
Members include: ACORN, AFSCME, Americans United for Change, Campaign for America's Future, Center for American Progress Action Fund, MoveOn.org, National Council of La Raza, National Education Association, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Service Employees International Union, United Food and Commercial Workers, and USAction.
Perhaps this helps explain why, according to education journalist and union watchdog Mike Antonucci, top officials of the National Education Association are reporting a decline of 150, 000 members over the past two years and project that they will lose 200, 000 more members by 2014, as several states have recently passed laws ending the automatic deduction of union dues from teachers' paychecks.
WSJ: Peterson, Howell and West: Teachers Unions Have a Popularity Problem
In October 2002, the National Journalism Education Association named Savidge its Media Person of the Year for his support of scholastic journalism.
Residents joke that Nalcrest, which stands for the National Association of Letter Carriers Retirement, Education, Security and Training, is actually short for National Association of Letter Carriers at Rest.
WSJ: In Florida, These Retirees Deliver a First-Class Protest
David McLetchie asked the first minister whether he would agree with the comments of the president of the National Association of Schoolmasters who say education for the majority is being seriously hampered by the bad behaviour of a minority.
"The competition for students is horrendous, " says Henry Ponder of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education.
CNN: US - Enrollment of white students on rise at historically black colleges
She has been involved in children and women's rights since the 90's, founding the Joyce Banda Foundation International in 1997 which has since guided projects from empowering market women to providing orphans education, as well as the National Association of Business Women in Malawi and the Young Women's Leaders Network.
The Workshop was organised by the Indira Gandhi National Open University in collaboration with the Indian Adult Education Association, the International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education and the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
In a joint response, the National Association of Head Teachers and the Secondary Heads Association said they supported ways of identifying potential for higher education in students whose backgrounds made them unlikely to do well at A-level.
In an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, argues that sustainability is taking over from diversity, the longtime leader, as the top ideological enthusiasm on college campuses.
Dr Leonard Sax, the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Single Sex Public Education, even claims a neurological reason for his cause: girls and boys mature at different rates, so they need different teaching methods.
Our work with the National Catholic Educational Association has enabled us to learn from other leaders in Catholic education across the country and to emulate their best practices.
Concord Law is fully accredited by the California Bar Association and the Distance Education Training Council, the industry's national standard bearer, and most of Kaplan College's other online courses also are accredited through their associations and boards.
CNN: Kaplan is starting an online college -- minus the keggers