This book is the result of thoughts discussed in the workshop on challenges and perspectives of Brazilian Higher Education for the next decade, which had the objective to present preliminary indicators to build prospective of the Brazilian Higher Education for the next decade based on the National Education Plan 2011-2020.
UNESCO: Desafios e perspectivas da educa??o superior brasileira para a pr��xima d��cada (PDF only) | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
In an effort to address these challenges and in order to foster effective post-conflict socio-economic rehabilitation, reconstruction, peace and development, the government of Sierra Leone adopted the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) through which extensive literacy and non-formal education programmes were initiated.
UNESCO: Country Profile: Sierra Leone
Finally, crossbench peer the Earl of Clancarty asked the government what support it would give to music education under the National Plan for Music Education published on 25 November 2011.
BBC: Peer: Parliament should take on more interns
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has been drafting a national Country Literacy Acceleration Plan under the Capacity Development for Education for All (CapEFA) programme, supported by UNESCO.
UNESCO: Celebration of the International Literacy Day 2012: Literacy - Catalyst for Development and Peace in Cambodia | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Gore, who earlier had outlined other education initiatives, said his proposal to expand the National Tuition Savings Plan would be portable, allowing parents to use the pre-paid tuition money in the state of their choice.
CNN: Bradley unveils $8 billion school reform plan
Japan has integrated ESD into national curriculum guidelines (the Courses of Study) and the Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education.
UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences