• Immunity to dengue is low in Singapore's population because of the intensive dengue-carrier controls, "making the population vulnerable to outbreaks, " said Ng Lee Ching, director of the Environmental Health Institute at Singapore's National Environment Agency.

    WSJ: Dengue Fever on the Rise in Singapore

  • Some factors behind this year's outbreak include a higher mosquito population and "fitter viruses with higher epidemic potential, " said according to Ng Lee Ching, director of the Environmental Health Institute at Singapore's National Environment Agency.

    WSJ: Dengue Fever on the Rise in Singapore

  • Camborne School of Mines belongs to the Cornwall Knotweed Forum, set up to tackle the knotweed menace, which also includes the county and district councils, the Environment Agency, the National Trust and Railtrack.

    BBC: Eden 'weeds out' invasive plant

  • The Wales Ecological Footprint project is made up of a wide range of partners including WWF Cymru, Cardiff Council, Gwynedd Council, Cardiff University, Bangor University, the Stockholm Environment Institute (York), the National Assembly for Wales, the Countryside Council for Wales and the Environment Agency Wales.

    BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Wales: Ecological footprint

  • He also sought assurances over the future of the Environment Agency, the Health and Safety Executive, the prisons inspectorate, the National Parks Authority, Ofcom and the Office of Fair Trading.

    BBC: Public Bodies Bill part two

  • It will streamline and simplify both the legislative framework and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency's regulation of activities which cause pollution at a local and national level.

    BBC: Scotland politics

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