Wine production is a link to the past and an expression of national identity.
If it does, where better to look than by the sea, chief pillar of national identity?
France is a country whose mythology of "national identity" is deeply entrenched in the collective psyche.
The revival of the Welsh language has become central to Wales's resurgent national identity.
"Proton is more than just a car, it is part of Malaysia's national identity, " Reza says.
The widespread flying of England flags could kick-start a new national identity, an academic said.
National identity also ties an individual to an inheritance, a tradition, a loyalty, and a culture.
For the first time, statisticians have asked a question has been asked about national identity.
Some confusion has naturally been generated and a serious search for national identity has ensued.
Centuries of foreign rule (first Swedes, then Russians) further entrenched education as the centrepiece of national identity.
By talking tough on such issues as crime and national identity, she has somewhat broadened her appeal.
Their art is considered an emblem of national identity and the guardian of Azerbaijani language, literature and music.
The culture war stems from a bid, by the Labor government defeated in 1996, to redraw Australia's national identity.
"She entered the country as an Iranian citizen and holds Iranian residency, passport and national identity card, " he said.
All of which may feel like life-and-death issues that go to the heart of our constitution and national identity.
But regulars no longer charted the course of history or forged a national identity between puffs on imported cigarettes.
And for the hardcore fans, heavy metal is more than just a scene -- it's part of the national identity.
Through the epics, Mongolians transmit their historical knowledge and values to younger generations, strengthening awareness of national identity, pride and unity.
Tribal bonds remain stronger than national identity in Kenya, with the country's 36 million people claiming allegiance to around 40 different tribes.
"On the other hand, there is this strong sense of patriotism and a bit of insecurity about our national identity, " she says.
There is a national identity associated with the pound, but I don't think that type of discussion by the politicians is appropriate.
Because Mr. Sarkozy was very provocative at one point in suggesting that he would create a ministry of immigration and national identity.
In Northern Ireland, some 40% considered themselves British, 25% considered their national identity to be Irish, and 21% thought themselves Northern Irish.
Right or wrong, there is a respectable case against European integration to be made, one that resonates with worries about national identity.
But the link between national identity and the post office dies hard.
This was the first time a national identity question had been asked.
Mr Gilbert said residents could describe themselves as Cornish on sections of the form including country of birth, ethnic group and national identity.
In a mood of confusion over national identity, there have been calls for a new canon of Dutch history, hitherto an unfashionable subject.
The next stage in the journey to create a new national identity will include plans to see the demise of shortbread and haggis.
BBC: News | Scotland | Ban bagpipes and kilts, says Englishman
Whilst Northern Ireland's constitutional position is particular, the Games have provided plenty of examples of how elastic a concept national identity can be.