On their part the National committee for Literacy and adult education thanked UNESCO for its initiative and commitment towards helping Lebanon move forward in the EFA goals achievement.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has been drafting a national Country Literacy Acceleration Plan under the Capacity Development for Education for All (CapEFA) programme, supported by UNESCO.
The two ministries are the Ministry of Basic Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages and the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education and Scientific Research.
In an effort to address these challenges and in order to foster effective post-conflict socio-economic rehabilitation, reconstruction, peace and development, the government of Sierra Leone adopted the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) through which extensive literacy and non-formal education programmes were initiated.
In a separate event, Mrs Bokova met beneficiaries of a UNESCO literacy programme run by the National Directorate for Recurrent Education.
The Ministry of Education with support from provincial literacy organizations produced a Draft National LIFE Report (2008).
Education and literacy targets have been a primary focus of national strategic planning, and the current target is to reach 95.8 per cent adult literacy by 2014, which equates to an extra 8.5 million literate people compared to the 2008 adult literacy rate.
Following the successful implementation of an extensive national literacy campaign since the 1950s, the government of China also introduced the compulsory education law (1986) which guaranteed all children aged 6 to 15 years the right to receive nine years of free education (i.e. from elementary to junior high school).
Additionally, a National Literacy Agency for Iraq has been established and a National Literacy Strategy, prepared in cooperation with UNESCO, was endorsed by the Ministry of Education.
The grant would provide national NGOs with funds for the establishment of community learning centers for literacy and life skills training in Iraq in partnership with national authorities and the Ministry of Education during the upcoming 2011-2012 school year.