• Sally Abrahms writes on boomers and aging for national magazines, newspapers and websites.

    FORBES: Should Your Aging Parents Still Have A Gun In Their Home?

  • Where she was once an advertising CEO, Mary Lou is now a communications expert, consultant, actress, and writer who has authored four books and written for numerous national magazines.

    FORBES: Switching Careers After 40: Three Success Stories

  • And although you won't spot VMware's notoriously private founder and chief executive, Diane Greene, on the covers of any national magazines, she told Forbes.com she is confident about her company's future.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Not to worry: Once Ambrose stops sulking and comes up with a credible mea culpa, he too will be restored to good standing within the punditocracy, and once again will see his words appear frequently in national magazines--within quotation marks and attributed to him in the text.

    FORBES: Doris Kearns Goodwin And The Credibility Gap

  • Part of the explanation was inadequate or inaccurate information, as so much of the media is effectively under Democrat party control, such as NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, and other urban newspapers, as well as national magazines.

    FORBES: President Obama's Re-Election Is Powerful Evidence Of Democracy Failure

  • The New York Times, USA Today and national travel magazines covered the so-called event.

    FORBES: Entrepreneur as Stunt Man

  • Seed catalogs, gardening books and National Geographic magazines going back to the 1930s line the walls, along with travel guides to Turkey, Bulgaria and Vietnam.

    WSJ: A Homestead Sprouts in the Ozarks

  • Yet this is far from the first time his distinctive style of political satire - a fixture of national newspapers and magazines for decades - has been the subject of intense debate.

    BBC: Gerald Scarfe's colourful career

  • Tony and I had become friends years earlier when a third friend noticed that both of us were conservatives who read magazines like National Review and The American Spectator.

    FORBES: How Bill Buckley Got Me Into Magazines

  • The industry's proposal is closely based on the draft royal charter published on 12 February following negotiations with national and local newspapers and magazines.

    BBC: Leveson report: Newspapers reject press regulation plans

  • Every major news organization, from national newspapers to television networks to magazines, was complicit to some degree in selling the public a brief of false information, from Hussein's allegedly terrifying arsenal of weapons of mass destruction to the fictional links between the Iraqi government and al Qaeda.

    CNN: Duped on Iraq War, has press learned?

  • These proposals are supported by most of the country's national, regional and local newspapers and magazines.

    BBC: Press regulation royal charter delayed by ministers

  • Many of the more than 1, 000 bills pending around the country would nullify the effect of any federal ban on firearms, assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

    CNN: Once-unlikely win for gun control in Colorado

  • Every Italian under 30 has grown to political maturity in a country where Mr Berlusconi and his family control half the television output, one of four national newspapers, one of two news magazines and the biggest publishing house.

    ECONOMIST: Italy and its prime minister: The Berlusconisation of Italy | The

  • Hardest hit: Spanish-language newspapers, national newspapers and business-to-business magazines, which respectively plummeted 11%, 9.5% and 5.9%, year over year.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He is a winner of last year's National Space Club Press Award and a past editor-in-chief of the National Space Society's Ad Astra and Space World magazines.

    MSN: Future astronauts may rely on made-in-space parts

  • Giffords met earlier this week with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to discuss gun control, a topic that the three-term mayor has pressed on the national stage, urging tighter restrictions on high-capacity magazines and assault rifles.

    CNN: Gabrielle Giffords visits Newtown

  • More than half of the nation's state legislatures have had measures introduced that aim to nullify the effect of any federal ban on firearms, assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, according to data collected by the he National Conference of State Legislatures.

    CNN: Will states go where Congress hasn't on gun laws?

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