The race to build a national missile defense is in some real sense a race against time.
There are, indeed, very strong reasons for building a global rather than merely a national missile defense system.
In this manner, economies might be made in the number and capabilities of systems acquired for national missile defense.
The announcement comes amid renewed debate on a proposed national missile defense system, which would use satellites to track targets.
And its National Missile Defense (NMD) program plays an important role as a technology feeder for other missile defense programs.
The TRW system in whose development Dr. Schwartz participated is not being utilized in the current National Missile Defense program.
The National Missile Defense system, heavily backed by President George W. Bush, would be able to shoot down incoming nuclear missiles.
Under present circumstances, in which the United States lacks any national missile defense, even the accidental launch of one of these missiles would be catastrophic.
Shelton, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, concerning the recently published Rumsfeld Commission Report and its relation to U.S. policy on national missile defense.
Kim said he hoped U.S. efforts to negotiate with other countries, including its allies on the National Missile Defense (NMD) would contribute to international peace and stability.
Kadish observed that the inherent mobility of naval systems, in concert with ground-based Army systems, makes a lot of sense from a theater or national missile defense perspective.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Critics�� Study Makes Case for ��Layered�� Missile Defense
The Americans may receive little gratitude for national missile defense, but yet again, they will be making a large and disinterested financial sacrifice in the cause of world peace.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Taking the Rumsfeld Effect��1 to Europe
Democrats charge this would be a violation of the anti-ballistic missile treaty between the U.S. and Russia, which prevents either country from going forward with any national missile defense system.
National Missile Defense (NMD) system for the United States.
This problem, while regrettable, in no way suggests that successful discrimination and hit-to-kill intercepts are either unachievable or beyond the reach of the technology now being developed for national missile defense.
America is going to build a national missile defense.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Newsweek declares the missile defense debate Over��
The American people will be told that the compromise achieves Russian agreement to a national missile defense deployment of between 20 and 100 missile interceptors at a site to be built in Alaska.
The Blue side also had a National Missile Defense system, as well as reusable space planes that could be launched to quickly place new satellites in orbit or repair and refuel ones already there.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Grasping the Importance of Space Power
It's a similar story on national missile defense.
CNN: Bush's missile defense plans may be indistinct from Clinton-Gore's
Along the way, having pieced together information from memoirs and recently declassified material, Mr. Lee says he has discovered hard evidence of something the U.S. long suspected but was never able to prove: Russia already has a national missile defense.
We would also urge you to continue the efforts begun by Secretary of Defense Cohen recently to consult with our allies in Europe and Asia about national missile defense options in order to prevent a fracturing of our alliance relationships.
The Bush administration now faces greater hurdles in selling controversial initiatives, such as its new energy plan, which in part calls for increased oil drilling and greater use of nuclear power, and the president's dream of a national missile defense shield.
But Clinton had no success trying to persuade Yeltsin's hand-picked successor, Vladimir Putin, to accept a new defense deal that would involve changes to the ABM treaty, and so he leaves the hard decisions on national missile defense to his successors.
There are, moreover, other ways to provide such a defense -- notably, from the sea using modified AEGIS fleet air defense ships -- that could enable a national missile defense to be fielded for a fraction of the cost of the ground-based system.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Sea-Based Missile Defenses -- for the Allies, for the U.S.
Some of these ideas have been modest, but plans such as Bush's call for a sweeping across-the-board cut in income tax rates, a massive national missile defense effort and fundamental restructuring of Social Security and Medicare represent the sort of bold departures from which his father recoiled.
CNN: Bush the son uses policy campaign to distance himself from the father
Specifically, in remarks at a breakfast meeting co-sponsored by the National Defense University Foundation and the National Defense Industrial Association, Kadish observed that the inherent mobility of naval systems, in concert with ground-based Army systems, makes a lot of sense from a theater or national missile defense perspective.
Although Mr. Clinton was compelled in 1999 by veto-proof bipartisan majorities in Congress to sign legislation making it the policy of the U.S. to deploy a limited, effective national missile defense "as soon as technologically possible, " he resisted calls to exercise our Article XV right to withdraw so as to implement that policy.
By so doing, the United States could make clear that its "national" missile defense system will actually be a global capability, thus denying critics and those who would divide America from her allies the argument that the former will be protected at the latters' expense.