• Inauguration of the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE PHILIPPINE PEOPLE The first of the three buildings of the National Museum of the Philippines. 8 p.m.


  • In the document, officers said there was a national shortage of people with traditional skills.

    BBC: Traditional skills 'being lost' in Highlands

  • The event is part of the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) "Stop for me, Speak to me" campaign.

    BBC: Worcester bus drivers experience life as a blind passenger

  • "The portrayal of persons with disability in the mass media has been absolutely unbearable, " said Yannis Vardakastanis, president of Greece's National Confederation of Disabled People.

    WSJ: 'Island of the Blind' Riles Greek Public

  • John Godber, Head of Products and Publications for the UK's Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), says, "This is the biggest step forward for learning braille since the invention of the Perkins Brailler" in 1951.

    ENGADGET: Perkins Smart Brailler helps the blind learn to type, closes the digital divide

  • Millions of people of all national origins look forward to celebrating Chinese New Year 4710.

    FORBES: Chinese New Year Resolution: Get The Facts Straight

  • The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) said that almost two million people in the UK were living with sight loss.

    BBC: Eye test

  • Transport Minister Norman Baker MP visited Reading to back the Royal National Institute of Blind People's Stop For Me, Speak To Me campaign.

    BBC: Reading Buses supports initiative for blind passengers

  • Natalie Doig, campaigns officer for the Royal National Institute of Blind People, said current flight regulations did not specify that blind people needed to be accompanied.

    BBC: Thomson Holidays refuses blind friends flights

  • The RNIB Group (Royal National Institute of Blind People) was one of the organisations that did sign on to help big companies to get the visually impaired into work.

    BBC: Disabled parking spaces

  • The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has written letters to Berkshire West PCT demanding the reason for the Lucentis refusal, but campaigns manager Clare Eaglin said the PCT "never managed to give us that information".

    BBC: NHS Lucentis drug refusal could 'leave man blind'

  • Lee Tomkins, director of Migraine Action, is urging sufferers to stockpile the old-fashioned bulbs before retailers run out, while the the Royal National Institute of Blind People suggests using tungsten halogen bulbs instead of energy-saving bulbs in hallways and stairs.

    BBC: Bulb bows out to mixed applause

  • No one person, or group of people, can possibly outsmart or outmaneuver markets for long or fine-tune the activities or creativity of a national economy of nearly 300 million people--or a global economy of more than 6 billion.

    FORBES: When Will We Get the Answers?

  • Among the 3, 000 delegates of the 2013 National People's Congress, the percentage of blue-collar workers and peasants has risen to 13% from 8% in 2012.

    WSJ: An Unhappy Middle in the Middle Kingdom

  • But while each of the previous cases seems almost lost to memory now, it is the national outpouring of outrage from people of all backgrounds in response to the Trayvon Martin case that could signal the difference between the last century and this one.

    CNN: Trayvon's killing and Florida's tragic past

  • That's the location of the convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

    NPR: Obama Salutes Old Guard In NAACP Speech

  • It had taken the death of Mr Byrd, they claimed, to wake up the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People.

    ECONOMIST: Race relations

  • Laurent Nkunda, the Congolese Tutsi general who leads troops of the National Congress for the Defense of the People, ordered the cease-fire, Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert told reporters.

    CNN: Congo rebels declare cease-fire to prevent panic

  • "People see America through particular lenses, either their profession, their race or their gender, " said Julian Bond, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the nation's oldest civil rights organization.

    CNN: Women, minorities faithful to Democrats

  • Benjamin Jealous, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, told the congregation of the Nazarene Congregational Church in Brooklyn that the civil rights group is hearing from its members who are NYPD officers.

    NPR: NAACP Head: Even Some In NYPD Oppose Street Stops

  • The silent march was the idea of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's president, Benjamin Todd Jealous, who aimed to invoke a quiet protest down Fifth Avenue in 1917 that was meant to draw attention to race riots in East St.

    WSJ: Silent Treatment for NYPD

  • Laurent Nkunda, who leads troops of the National Congress for the Defense of the People, told CNN in a phone interview he wants to start working Friday with the U.N. mission in Congo, known by its French acronym MONUC, to allow people back to their homes.

    CNN: Rebel general offers aid corridor for Congo

  • Moore had been the lone representative of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Florida, crisscrossing the state to get equal wages for black teachers and the right to vote for blacks, who were denied that right in Florida and the rest of the South.

    CNN: Trayvon's killing and Florida's tragic past

  • Lau Nai-keung, a Hong Kong member of China's National People's Congress, adds that because of Macau's reliance on tourism, its low tolerance for troublemakers is understandable.

    ECONOMIST: Macau sails through a test Hong Kong flunked in 2003

  • Hollande told the daily Liberation newspaper ahead of the runoff that he saw the strong showing for the National Front as an expression of people's "social anger" rather than a firm adherence to the party's more extremist views.


  • Ann Cameron Williams, chief research and innovations officer with The Arc, a national organization of and for people with intellectual and related developmental disabilities, asks what will happen to those one in 50 children once they enter adulthood.

    CNN: The reality of finding a job with autism

  • Certainly that was the Supreme Court's understanding in 1958, when it rejected the state of Alabama's demand that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People turn over its membership list.

    WSJ: McGurn: The Chick-fil-A War Is Back On

  • At a time when the share of national income flowing to the top 1 percent of people in this country has climbed to levels last seen in the 1920s, those same folks are paying taxes at one of the lowest rates in 50 years.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon

  • Meanwhile, it quickly became apparent in the Washington salons of national security and foreign policy that people who had never been in favor of missile defense took the meaning of the September 11 attack to be just the opposite with regard to the issue.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The question recurs: Why would Speaker Hastert appoint this individual, of all people, as his national security advisor, one of the few statutorily mandated, highly paid and exceedingly sensitive senior staff jobs on Capitol Hill?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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