Using the CPA as a guidepost, the Strategy has identified where development partners may be called upon to provide support in the short term, including ongoing rehabilitation of the discharged, constitution formulation, support to the conflict-affected, implementation of the National Plan of Action for implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820 on women, peace and security, and support to the next national elections.
The Scottish government launched a national action plan for end of life care in 2008.
Collaborate in the strengthening of African MAB network (AfriMAB), notably by supporting the implementation of the ICC Action plan and by assisting the MAB National Committee for nomination of new Biosphere Reserves and periodic reviews.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (18/1/2012) AF/RP/KEN/SC/0008 - (P-4)
The report highlighted Scotland's national Hepatitis C Action Plan as an example of best practice.
In addition to the aforementioned United Nations Human Rights Council resolution in 2012, the 2nd UN Inter-Agency Meeting in Vienna, Austria last year, adopted a concrete global, regional, and national level implementation strategy was adopted for the UN Plan of Action.
In an effort to address these challenges and in order to foster effective post-conflict socio-economic rehabilitation, reconstruction, peace and development, the government of Sierra Leone adopted the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) through which extensive literacy and non-formal education programmes were initiated.
Bangladesh will also develop a National Action Plan on Violence Against Women to strengthen enforcement of its 2010 Domestic Violence Act.
They pledged to work together and with relevant national authorities to ensure that the recommendations of the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity were applied at country level.
Many of the best ideas that helped shape the National Action Plan on Open Government were suggested from citizens and outside groups.
My Administration has also developed a National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security, created pursuant to Executive Order 13595 of December 19, 2011, to strengthen conflict resolution and peace processes through the inclusion of women, and a Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally, implemented pursuant to Executive Order 13623 of August 10, 2012, to combat gender-based violence around the world.
We welcome the President's commitment to a major program for promotion of renewable energy, and I drew his attention to India's own ambitious national action plan on climate change, which has eight national missions covering both mitigation and adaptation.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
The National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has aimed at a 30% increase in the use of bioenergy by 2010, according to Finland's Renewable Energy Policy Review in 2009.