According to the National Resources Defense Council, impervious spaces in the built environment generate 10 trillion gallons of untreated runoff per year.
Eric Goldstein, an attorney with the National Resources Defense Council, said he would like similar efforts in other parks, like Brooklyn's Prospect Park.
Two-thirds of the world's polar bear populations could face local extinctions within 45 years due to habitat loss, the National Resources Defense Council says.
National Resources Defense Council, the question was whether the Navy had to comply with a federal environmental law protecting dolphins and other wildlife while conducting submarine exercises off California.
The National Resources Defense Council released a statement saying it sent letters to the Food and Drug Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, co-signed by almost two dozen Gulf coast groups.
"With the opening of shrimping season and near-daily reopening of fishing areas, seafood safety is a major issue right now, " Dr. Gina Solomon, a senior scientist with the National Resources Defense Council, said in the statement.
The Rockefeller Foundation has also backed projects such as the NatLab, a collaboration of National Resources Defense Council, The Nature Conservancy, and Eko Asset Management Partners, that is designing new financing products for GI.
If all those fantasies become reality, the U.S. could, in theory, meet all of its transportation fuel needs with ethanol by 2050 without adding to today's current cropland, according to an exhaustive study by the National Resources Defense Council, an environmental group based in New York.
"It's ironic that the Bush Administration, which acts like Superman most of the time, doing exactly what it wants to, is acting like a 97-pound weakling in this case, saying it doesn't have the authority to act, " says David Doniger, lead attorney on the case for the National Resources Defense Council.
The Natural Resources Defense Council, a fellow traveler in eroding national security in pursuit of its own brand of environmental purity, has successfully (for now) used the court system to prevent the Navy from conducting critical sonar training off the West Coast for fear of the alleged harm sonar frequencies cause to whale and dolphin populations.