It is not possible to nationalise money as money is an international and intangible entity.
It was made worse after 1973 when Mr Mobutu began to nationalise mines and industries.
The protest leaders also want to nationalise Bolivia's oil and gas industry and convene a constituent assembly.
The most extreme and, in some ways, the most attractive option would be temporarily to nationalise the banks.
When Labour came to power, he wished naturally to persuade them to nationalise more industries and redistribute wealth.
The Obama administration's decision not to nationalise the banks is presented as prima facie evidence of the oligarchs' power.
ECONOMIST: The financial crisis and the future of regulation
For the same reason, they have resisted calls simply to nationalise the banks.
ECONOMIST: The treasury secretary is torn between politics and policy
Mr Obama faced calls to nationalise the weakened banks and force them to lend, or to let them fail.
Even Argentina has joined in, ignoring threats of reprisals to nationalise a Spanish-owned oil company, YPF (see article).
Bolivia's new president, Evo Morales, swept to power in December promising to nationalise the country's oil and gas industry.
Subsequently it had to be bailed out by the government, which then went on to nationalise the bank in February 2008.
Second, you have to avoid a simultaneous banking crisis or bank run: so you need to nationalise and rationalise the banks.
Speaking at a rally in La Paz on Wednesday, Mr Morales said he "would only nationalise the dignity of the Bolivian people".
De Beers operates in some tricky countries: Angola is unstable and South Africa has politicians who would love to nationalise its mines.
This raises the possibility that Mr Bush will nationalise the blame for educational failure without nationalising the means to eliminate that failure.
But this would effectively nationalise private debts, hardly a desirable outcome.
However, the government announced in April that it would nationalise YPF.
French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici has sought to play down fears that Mr Hollande's Socialist government might be seeking to nationalise large firms on a permanent basis.
But the Argentine government says it will not back down in its decision to nationalise YPF, which it says is a lawful action taken in the national interest.
In 1990 Mario Vargas Llosa, one of Latin America's foremost novelists, enraged by a government attempt to nationalise his country's banks, cast aside his pen and threw himself into politics.
Finance ministers from the G20 killed off a proposal for a global bank levy after strong opposition to the idea from several nations, led by Canada, which has not had to nationalise its financial companies.
And if he were to lose this battle, he might well be better off launching a takeover bid to acquire all of RBS - to nationalise it fully - than recapitalising the bank through an exercise of the existing rescue mechanism.
During his brief stint in office, he has concentrated relentlessly on honouring his four big campaign promises: a debt moratorium for farmers, investment funds directed at the village level, cheap new health services and a centralised agency to nationalise and clean up corporate debts.