Bolivia's new president-elect, Evo Morales, has vowed to nationalize the country's rich oil and gas reserves.
"Their tactics failed as far as trying to nationalize the congressional race, " he said.
The plan would nationalize an initiative that is already under way by some private companies.
His policy to nationalize the oil and gas industries has alienated foreign governments and investors.
Its leader Julius Malema's signature policy is his demand to nationalize the country's mines.
French President Francois Hollande threatened to nationalize one of the multinational's production plants in the Lorraine region.
Thaksin would nationalize the bad loans and assign them to a state-owned entity.
Harry Truman issued an order to seize and nationalize all steel mills in America, during a labor strike in 1952.
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Last year, in an attempt to block Obama's plan to nationalize healthcare, Massachusetts voters elected Republican Scott Brown to the Senate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Scott Brown Precedent and Israel
It is unlikely that Chavez will nationalize the banks but he intends to threaten them into compliance with his domestic fiscal policy.
McDonnell's campaign appears to be trying to nationalize the contest by linking Deeds to the Democrats who control the White House and Congress.
Company shares were hit hard in May, dropping 31% after the new Bolivian President Evo Morales decided to nationalize his nation's oil and gas industry.
Venezuela : Chavez to nationalize banks and largest steel producer.
He has promised not to nationalize industries or oppose dollarization.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What to expect from the new FMLN government in El Salvador
Chairman Lakshmi Mittal over plans to shut two blast furnaces in Florange, France, threatening to nationalize the facility, and told Mr. Mittal he wasn't welcome in France anymore.
Thus, if the Democrats want this to be more of a fair fight, and effectively counter the Republicans' plans to nationalize the election, they would be wise to personalize it.
Iceland has had to nationalize three of its banks in the past three weeks to prevent them from failing, and its prime minister has cited the possibility of national bankruptcy.
They would result in the government being investors in, and lenders to the auto companies and banks for decades, perhaps even being forced to nationalize and run them as government entities.
Early in 2006, Evo Morales, after a long weekend meeting with Chavez, decided to nationalize the country's natural resources by ordering troops to occupy more than 50 gas and oil installations.
Nicaraguan leader threatens to nationalize Spanish electricity provider.
In his new book (gee, it just happened to come out last week), Edano called for the government to nationalize the reactors and to immediately begin decommissioning them, something not remotely possible fiscally or technically.
FORBES: Fukushima Slugfest -- Japan's New Nuclear Regulation Authority
Mr. Pierre Louis, who died in 2009, aimed to professionalize the musician corps with a disciplined rehearsal schedule and uniforms, and he turned to local themes to "nationalize" a new musical style, as Mr. Dow put it.
Under the scheme, if a bank's capital falls below 8% of its risk assets, the recommended minimum for institutions doing business abroad, the state would either lend money to it, buy its shares - or nationalize it.
Bolivia to nationalize phone company.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The contradictions of the Forum of Sao Paolo
Chavez threatens to nationalize supermarkets.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Evo and Peru: Conflict over a terrorist