Better still, it is a stone's throw from the natural beauty of North Yorkshire.
Poetry excerpts courtesy of The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty.
Park ranger Eric Levy raves about the natural beauty of the park and the many ways to enjoy it.
Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty, Brancaster beach is backed by sand dunes and a golf course.
It warns of a rash of "broadband clutter" in national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Their 2013 Eco-Internship is a working vacation in a country of enormous biodiversity and natural beauty.
Campaigners told the High Court they would ruin the natural beauty of the area around Barnwell Manor.
It got a print redesign in 2012 with more modern photography and an emphasis on natural beauty.
The Wolwedans runs on solar power, which means no sounds of generators to disturb the natural beauty.
Though known for its spectacular natural beauty, more than half of Coloradans live in the Denver metropolitan area.
There are stark deserts, high peaks, endless sand dunes, broad rivers, and every sort of stunning natural beauty.
Yet for all of the natural beauty of the hill country, its most memorable aspect may well be the journey itself.
West Berkshire Council hopes to redevelop the land, situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with affordable housing.
Earlier versions of this story incorrectly suggested the turbines would be placed in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Plans to develop the former Surrey home of Lord Beaverbrook will damage an area of natural beauty, campaigners say.
The local Tibetan people are beginning to adapt to the tourism that the natural beauty of their home has inspired.
But protest groups formed to oppose the scheme say the planned route would damage an area of outstanding natural beauty.
The south west coast path stretches 630 miles and includes a National Park and five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
The Quantock Hills are protected as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and cared for by a partnership of organisations.
The Forestry Commission said 80% of the black grouse population was concentrated in the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
If record-low temperatures, snowstorms and blizzards are getting you down, why not rejuvenate for a long weekend of sun, sand and eye-popping natural beauty?
Lucia, an island with so much natural beauty it is nicknamed the Helen of the West Indies, as in Helen of Troy.
Andrew Nunn, cabinet member for the environment, said EDF must "recognise its duty" to protect the surrounding Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Around 44% of Wiltshire is an area of outstanding natural beauty and 14% is recognised as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
An eyesore: The best sites for wind farms are often remote areas and the turbines spoil the natural beauty of the landscape.
The less back-to-nature of the camping set say they want their natural beauty, their marshmallows over an open fire and their Wi-Fi, too.
The 60cm (2ft) pipe will be laid through the Cranborne Chase and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty from Corfe Mullen to Salisbury.
The birds of prey at the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) are laying their eggs about 10 days later than normal.
As the visitor strolls round, sometimes into, Moore's abstract forms, their asymmetrical holes and crevices allow ever-changing glimpses of the garden's natural beauty.
The 60-year-old billionaire purchased the 124-acre beauty back in 2007 mainly because he was worried that someone else would destroy its natural beauty.