The network effect of eBay might seem like a natural monopoly in the making.
Leaving only the intractable core of that natural monopoly to be either public or private and regulated.
FORBES: Which Should We Have: Public Utilities Or Regulated Private Monopolies?
On the Internet backbone, where there is no risk of a natural monopoly, collaboration is already the pattern.
Group-buying is not a natural monopoly, yet there is a limit to how many group-buying websites consumers will use.
Because cable is a natural monopoly: digging up the streets is so expensive that cable companies seldom compete with each other.
Supplying electricity is no longer a natural monopoly (see article) .
The railway involves a natural monopoly: the only other way of getting to the ruins is a four-day hike along the Inca Trail.
It is true that, to a very large extent (large consumers like industry much less so, households definitely so), power distribution is a natural monopoly.
FORBES: Which Should We Have: Public Utilities Or Regulated Private Monopolies?
Its business, like any marketplace, is a natural monopoly, and so once it is established, it is pretty hard for a newcomer to challenge it.
The 1992 Cable Act incorrectly assumed that cable was a natural monopoly requiring permanent, extensive, and intrusive regulation of cable rates and content prices, terms and conditions.
Like a medieval town's sole inn, a railway line is a perfect example of a natural monopoly: it is tremendously expensive to build and it is difficult to justify more than one set of tracks on any route just to guarantee competition.
Because water supply is a natural local monopoly, any privatisation requires a strong and permanent public regulator.
Yesterday the state natural gas monopoly, Gazprom, signed a deal to take control over the country's largest foreign investment, the massive Sakhalin II Gas Complex in the Russian Far East.
First, many transporters enjoy a natural or state-granted monopoly and need to be restrained from exercising it with too much abandon.
Further complicating matters, Shell was also negotiating to trade half of its 55% stake in Sakhalin II with state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom for half of a giant natural gas field called Zapolyarnoye.
Turkmenistan produces roughly 70 billion cubic metres of natural gas each year and about two-thirds of its exports go to Russia's Gazprom gas monopoly.
But while geologists believe the rich Texas gas fields extend across the border, Mexico's state-owned oil monopoly, Pemex, has focused on boosting oil exports and hasn't proved effective at finding natural gas.
Mexico used to talk about exporting gas to the U.S. But though geologists believe that the rich Texas gas fields extend across the border, Mexico's state-owned oil monopoly, Pemex, has focused on boosting oil exports and hasn't been effective at finding natural gas.