Its isolated location provides the ideal context for studying the dynamics of insular evolution and natural selection.
The human population exploded and without natural selection pressure, fecundity in the types economic activity flourished.
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By intervening to eliminate failure, government has nullified this natural selection of the better producers.
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But other phenomena that look like diseases are known to be maintained by natural selection.
So what natural selection has favoured as healthy may end up killing you faster.
In this case, unlike that of natural selection, Darwin's thinking did not set the world alight.
Natural selection kept those survivor species viable in the soil as a plan for the future.
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Critics may complain that viewing all behaviour through a prism of natural selection is reductive.
Viruses have genes, can reproduce and are subject to the evolutionary pressures imposed by natural selection.
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Darwin's theories of natural selection and genetic inheritance had spawned fears about racial decline.
He specifically questions whether complex systems could have evolved gradually through natural selection and random mutation.
Wood claims that religious people reject evolution because, basically, natural selection is viscerally unsettling.
That this clears space for natural selection to do its work is now accepted wisdom.
Gould's views on the scope of natural selection are linked to his views on agency.
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Landcatch Natural Selection said the research could create the "perfect salmon" and revolutionise the fish farming industry.
The idea of natural selection itself began as a just-so story, more than two millennia before Darwin.
Those mutations that make a difference to the operations of genes will be affected by natural selection.
They are the bounty of our own cultural evolution, the closest human designers can come to natural selection.
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Yes, there were a few social Darwinists who used the analogy of natural selection to explain market processes.
That may not sound like much, but it is enough to drive natural selection towards a prime-numbered life-cycle.
Wouldn't natural selection have got rid of religious tendencies if religion were clearly bad for humans after all?
One is to mandate that salad packers douse the leaves with chlorine solution, but Natural Selection does that.
It is a commonly held view that evolution implies progress, even among those who believe in natural selection.
Natural selection (not to mention deliberate selection by people) might therefore be expected to dumb domestic animals down.
Natural selection might have been expected to purge them from the population unless they have some compensating benefit.
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For Professor Hamilton, this was just one facet of the more general problem of how natural selection works.
Many researchers think that which cells live and which die is decided by a process similar to natural selection.
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We might call this the Wallace problem, for Alfred Russel Wallace, who discovered natural selection independent of Charles Darwin.
He wanted to be surer than sure about his ideas on natural selection.
Natural selection should have pushed intelligence genes as far as they will go, so all variation should be environmental.
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