Tamerlan Tsarnaev was not a naturalized citizen, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Almonte, of Elmwood Park, is a naturalized citizen who was born in the Dominican Republic.
It took a waiver to allow her to return to the United States, where her father is a naturalized citizen.
Arriving as an undocumented 15-year-old, Mr. Alvarez, 44, is now a naturalized citizen who has gradually transformed his family's hobby into a thriving business.
Yet even after being born and raised in Japan, graduating from a top Japanese university, and now becoming a State Minister appointee, Renho is not without detractors as a naturalized citizen in Japanese society.
Officers also detained a naturalized citizen who had been working with farmworkers in New York, kept women in cold detention cells in Texas and lied on an arrest report that led to an illegal immigrant's detention in Washington state, the advocacy groups said.
An immigrant who becomes a naturalized Mexican citizen can be stripped of his Mexican citizenship if he lives again in the country of his origin for more than five years, under Article 37.
Budovsky, a naturalized Costa Rican citizen, was detained Friday.
At one time he took a Japanese name, Yasumoto Masayoshi, but reverted to his Korean name when he naturalized as a Japanese citizen.
One year later, in 1995, I naturalized as an American citizen.
Her family said she is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in Mexico.
Khan is a naturalized U.S. citizen who emigrated from Pakistan for college at age 16.
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Mohammed Wali Zazi is a naturalized U.S. citizen, and Afzali and Najibullah Zazi are permanent legal residents.
Another case outlined is of Lucy Rogers, a naturalized U.S. citizen who works with farmworkers in New York.
One of the last hurdles to becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen is changing.
He became a naturalized U.S. citizen last year, according to a federal official.
Her father, who is a naturalized U.S. citizen, brought her on April 17 to Mexico to get the necessary papers.
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He eventually became a naturalized U.S. citizen and opened his medical office to help treat the Spanish-speaking poor of the South Bronx.
Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was picked up on Monday night by authorities at JFK Airport while attempting to fly to Dubai.
Mr. Bae was born in South Korea and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, according to an account on the University of Oregon's Daily Emerald website.
But Tsarnaev is a naturalized U.S. citizen, and under U.S. law, American citizens cannot be tried by military tribunals, White House spokesman Jay Carney said.
For example, E-Verify denied employment to Juan Carlos, a naturalized U.S. citizen, after the State Department failed to notify the Social Security Administration of his status change.
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The indictment also said Niazi, a naturalized U.S. citizen, lied about his use of aliases and denied he had ever been a member or had been associated with a terrorist organization.
In the book, I follow one young Haitian-American man who was brought here when he was five, and he actually just assumed he was a citizen because his parents naturalized.