The Mexican constitution forbids immigrants and naturalized citizens to become members of the clergy.
Immigrants and naturalized citizens may never become members of the clergy.
So now it is also my privilege to present a distinguished American with an award in recognition of the many contributions of naturalized citizens like all of you.
There are also 1.6 million more Hispanic voters this year, including a half-million newly naturalized citizens, and they chose Obama over McCain by a margin of 2 to 1.
The Citizenship Day provides an opportunity for diverse communities to celebrate newly naturalized citizens who were born in a foreign country but live and work in the local community, and for local officials and residents to welcome them to the City.
State officials say more than 90 percent of those Arizonans applying to vote using the federal form will be able to simply write down their driver's license number, and all naturalized citizens simply will be able to write down their naturalization number without needed additional documents.
Foreign-born, naturalized Mexican citizens may not become federal lawmakers (Article 55), cabinet secretaries (Article 91) or supreme court justices (Article 95).
Mexico's constitution contains many provisions to protect the country from foreigners, including foreigners legally resident in the country and even foreign-born people who have become naturalized Mexican citizens.
They say, look, this is part of our strategy now, but we're focusing more on voter registration and getting legal immigrants naturalized to become citizens and vote.
NPR: Immigration Issue Appears to Stall in Streets, Congress
Each year the City of Alexandria, through the Alexandria Multicultural Services Initiative, joins with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in recognizing newly naturalized United States Citizens through the Annual Citizenship Day ceremony.
Now that we are naturalized U.S. citizens, we want to encourage public schools in America to give young people the same opportunity.
WSJ: Roma Downey and Mark Burnett: Why Public Schools Should Teach the Bible
Nonetheless, about 587, 000 Haitian-born people were living in the United States as of 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, about half of whom are naturalized U.S. citizens.
But Tsarnaev is a naturalized U.S. citizen, and under U.S. law, American citizens cannot be tried by military tribunals, White House spokesman Jay Carney said.