Biosphere status is an international accolade which demonstrates how nature conservation and sustainable development go hand in hand.
In February 2011, the High Court in London overturned Cardiff council's decision to designate the land for nature conservation.
The 1972 World Heritage Convention links together in a single document the concepts of nature conservation and the preservation of cultural properties.
Major land uses today, which need to be harmonized with nature conservation, are tourism, commercial and recreational fishing and boating.
This Strategy recognised the evolution of Biosphere Reserves from sites focussing on nature conservation and research, to sites of excellence for sustainable development.
Indeed, the World Wildlife Fund, a nature conservation organisation, reckons that bluefin spawners will be virtually eliminated by 2012.
ECONOMIST: Efforts to ban the international trade in bluefin tuna
We welcomed further U.S. support for ASEAN's Environmentally Sustainable Cities (ESC) initiative and ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity.
WHITEHOUSE: Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting
Committee members also discussed the Marine Bill which contains provisions for marine planning and nature conservation within Northern Ireland's territorial waters.
The report says nature conservation itself will need to change, concentrating more on wildlife management in the wider countryside and not just in reserves.
With all these achievements in nature conservation, however, Nepal has also witnessed a rising number of human deaths and property losses because of wildlife.
The council had designated the land under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, which gave priority to nature conservation over public access and recreation.
The publication includes nine papers explore the various aspects of local and traditional knowledge and its relation to nature conservation, land management and natural resource management, and industry.
"The bill will establish a new framework for Northern Ireland's seas based on marine planning, improving management for marine nature conservation and the streamlining of marine licensing, " she said.
As a result the firm said the project's long-term plans included new countryside paths and bridleways, areas of habitat specifically designed for nature conservation and lakes for sailing and canoeing.
"Bee consciousness is vital and we want more people to understand the crucial role bees play in our food chain, " said Matthew Oates, The National Trust's advisor on nature conservation.
The Gough mouse is one of 2, 900 non-native species damaging native wildlife on the 17 UK Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, a review by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) has found.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Albatross chicks attacked by mice
More recently, many states have begun offering a sort of middle ground: A variation on the traditional design -- professional sports team logos, calls to nature conservation, celebrations of the arts, etc.
It's an inevitable part of modern-day nature conservation.
WSJ: This British Assault on an Island Off Argentina Is for the Birds
"This effectively means that the data collection for the EIAs will be conducted within the short summer season, since the companies involved only started them in Spring 2000, " said Arni Finnsson of the Iceland Nature Conservation Association.
The most significant feature of the 1972 World Heritage Convention is that it binds in a single document the concepts of nature conservation and the preservation of cultural properties and sets out the duties of member-states and the international community for the preservation of monuments of world heritage.
However, other colliery sites in the area are gradually coming back to life, often as business parks, nature conservation areas or in the case of the old Ollerton pit site, an "energy village" of housing, offices and light industry all built along environmentally conscious lines.
It involves, notably, enforcing the law (in particular laws concerning nature conservation and the mining code), making sites secure, reinforcing the operational capacity of the Congolese Wildlife Authority, reducing commercial poaching, stopping the illicit exploitation of natural resources and strengthening the efforts of peaceful evacuation of illegal occupants of protected areas.
This side event was organized by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Conservation International to provide timely information to delegates during the process.
Matthew says it's great experience for anyone looking to make a career in nature or conservation work.
Until a few years ago, assessing the amount of plant matter in a forest in a cheap and accurate manner seemed an insurmountable problem, according to Eric Dinerstein, chief scientist of the World Wide Fund for Nature, a conservation group that is also involved in the Nepalese lidar project.
There are now more than 4, 000 national parks around the globe, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The species, Eulemur cinereiceps, is listed as critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
Many of these species are classified as globally endangered, threatened or vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
BBC: Earth News - Rare Otter civet filmed for first time in Borneo
The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists a dozen types of night monkeys on its Red List of threatened species.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges.