Both the VML and Speedway Landfill produced methane gas, but the VML produced a greater quantity of methane gas because of the natureof the materials deposited.
It added that it was unable to disclose the findings of Macfarlanes' report "due to exposure to unacceptable legal risks that exist (primarily in Indonesia) as a result of the undisclosed provenance of the materials which formed the basis of the investigation, together with the unsubstantiated natureof the allegations".
You begin to think like nature, in terms of building blocks that are fashioned into what I call sustainable materials platforms that can be used flexibly by many different products, and even by different companies.
Although the natureof the optic gunk remains unknown, project managers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory suspect volatile materials coming from the spacecraft after it departed Earth in February 1999.
With the rise of biotechnology and other advances, many patented technologies are based on biological or other materials that are by nature replicable, making illicit copying as tempting as it is easy.