From the government's point of view, turning nuclear sites into nature reserves is thrifty environmentalism.
Community liaison officers will be employed to promote community involvement in local nature reserves.
The plan involves building five dams on two Patagonian rivers, flooding 5, 900 hectares (14, 600 acres) of nature reserves.
The whole coastal network takes in two national parks, three areas of outstanding beauty, and 11 nature reserves.
It raises money for the scheme by allowing people to sponsor a hectare of land near two nature reserves.
Many traverse nature reserves, meander along rivers or venture into steep mountain terrain.
The core areas consist of existing nature reserves, protected forest habitat and shorelines.
Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman dismissed Ms Creagh's concerns, saying that the government was not "poised to sell off nature reserves".
Over three years, Wild Connections aims to increase the variety of visitors and numbers of visits to WWT nature reserves.
Of course, I should have expected nothing less from a Himalayan Kingdom that has set aside 60% of its land as protected nature reserves.
The project will focus on 15 of the trust's key nature reserves.
But when it sticks to achievable, measurable targets, such as increasing the area of nature reserves in the ocean, it can provide a useful focus.
The Great Fen Project aims to create the wetland between Huntingdon and Peterborough by obtaining land adjacent to the Holme Fen and Woodwalton Fen nature reserves.
There will also be more practical projects on nature reserves, such as developing initiatives with schools, improving access for all, and getting volunteers involved with building ponds or planting woodlands.
Ms Hill suggests that any land ear-marked for future flood storage could be used as farmland, playgrounds, parks or nature reserves when not called into action to take the edge off tidal surges.
The board is staffed by professional urban planners, representatives of the nature reserves authority and other statutory bodies who convene to determine whether building schemes comport with law and building regulations or not.
Biosphere reserves often cover large areas which encompass national parks, nature reserves, protected areas, and in some cases Ramsar sites (Ramsar Convention on the conservation of migratory birds of international significance) as well as world heritage areas.
Biosphere reserves assume far more functions than regluar protected areas or nature reserves: they require an inter-sector coordination, the sharing of benefits and responsibilities in natural resources management of agriculture, forestry, fishery, science, local and national authorities and the international community.
In both cases, had plans to develop state-owned nature reserves been put out to tender, and the deals been made public, each might have taken longer to wrap up, but the resultant deal would probably have been greeted as a triumph in the search for foreign investment.
The nature of reserves is that they insure against emergencies.
Many of the nicest trails traverse national and nature parks or biosphere reserves.
This Strategy recognised the evolution of Biosphere Reserves from sites focussing on nature conservation and research, to sites of excellence for sustainable development.
Nobody except the Paulsens had suspected him of harboring such reserves of discontent, but Walter was no less enthusiastic about nature than he was about culture, and the only outward change in his life was his new scarcity at home on weekends.
The increase in just one year illustrates the open-ended nature of the guarantee that is so blighting the insurer's prospects, since it has to set aside reserves in gilts in order to meet the obligation even if this means selling equities into falling stockmarkets.
ECONOMIST: Now the insurer has to win support for its long-awaited deal
The report says nature conservation itself will need to change, concentrating more on wildlife management in the wider countryside and not just in reserves.