In a building nearby, workers in navy-blue uniforms use computer-aided designs from Tata engineers to create tools and dies used to make those sheet-metal stampings.
At 138 feet she's a navy-blue missile with a nearly flat deck, huge winches and an almost impossibly sharp bow that overhangs the water like a scimitar.
After all, there is nothing earnest about a "talking" bus from which you are encouraged to wave at passersby or to cheer for that gentleman in a navy-blue suit who just started tap dancing down 42nd Street.
The car also comes with a four-piece navy blue leather luggage set.
The secretary touts the advantages of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) as a versatile ship that go places too shallow for the Navy's blue-water ships.
The first two phases of Navy-funded testing (on blue, finback and gray whales) started in fall 1997 off California.
But its avowed ambition is to have a blue-water navy such as the country has not possessed since the 15th century.
This means having a nuclear deterrent, a deployable army division, a blue-water navy with two aircraft carriers, and an air force with fighters and deep-strike jets.
The military calls it purple, purple meeting, you know, you've got green for Army, and khaki for the Marines and light blue for - the Air Force, and blue for the Navy.
The Navy also canceled appearances by the Blue Angels, the famed flight-demonstration squadron.
Japanese school uniforms bear an uncanny resemblance to the military outfits of 19th-century Europe -- high-collared Prussian-style tunics with brass buttons for boys and pleated navy blue skirts, white blouses with matching scarves and short white socks for girls.
The traditional navy blue square logo is gone, as are the white all-cap letters.
FORBES: Gap-Lash: Retailer's Logo Gets A New Look, And Gets Panned
When last seen he was wearing a pale denim long-sleeved shirt with a collar, grey chino trousers and navy blue leather boots.