In short, Mr. Polian was saying that running a sub-4.76 was a necessary condition.
New technologies were a necessary condition for the green revolution, but not a sufficient one.
Put it another way: domestic reform is a necessary condition for successful adjustment, but it's not sufficient.
These objectives form a necessary condition for the achievement of the internationally agreed development objectives, including all Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
But although a warm sea is a necessary condition for a hurricane, it is not a sufficient one.
"While a popular SNP isn't a sufficient condition to win an independence referendum, it's almost undoubtedly a necessary condition, " he said.
The bottom line: A large population, a large labor force, and a dose of markets may be the necessary condition for leading the global economy.
Home price stability is a necessary condition to trigger credit creation.
The median value of probable future changes for a large number of commodities is expected to be zero, which is the necessary condition for a standard.
Conscious action, beginning with determining a set of shared values, can set up the necessary condition for encouraging a culture that will make a startup into a leader.
This is self-explanatory, but here is another tweet that caught my eye on the same point: My basic premise is that the awareness of American college students is NOT a necessary condition for conflict resolution in Africa.
Chavez and his revolution are so powerful that various governments in South America, including that of Brazil, a rising world power, viewed the victory of Chavez in the October elections as a necessary condition for the continuity of regional integration.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Some Reflections Over Speculations on Venezuela's Future
As sometime necessary condition, maybe.
FORBES: Science Collapse Disorder -- The Real Story Behind Neonics And Mass Bee Deaths
It turns out that being a high performing law student is close to being a necessary condition of succeeding at the high end of biglaw, but it says very little about whether or not you can actually handle the work and the culture of biglaw.
But sex appeal for the male athlete is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for endorsement success.
FORBES: Selling Sex In Sports Creates Opportunities But Demands Responsibility
Achieving a temporary ceasefire, even a partial and fragile one, is a necessary though insufficient condition for the road map to proceed.
An increasing, growing, money supply is a necessary but not sufficient condition for there to be economic growth.
Yet, in some respects this effort is a necessary but not sufficient condition for creating thriving urban environments.
Good analysts are likely quite skilled at mathematical modeling, but it is a necessary and not sufficient condition for being a good analyst.
FORBES: What Makes Analytics Wizards So Good? They Do Everything Backwards
The arithmetic implies, as a necessary but not sufficient condition to spark EU growth (robust growth abroad is also needed), the euro should drop about 20% against the currencies of its trading partners.
Building capacities in Member States for Open Access is a necessary but not sufficient condition for promotion of OA. Creating an enabling policy environment in Member States for OA is therefore a priority.
Money is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the good life, for happiness and wisdom.
Foote (2009) argue that negative equity is merely a necessary but not a sufficient condition for default.
The secret to success is to not accept this complexity as a permanent condition or a necessary evil.
That is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, as the type of rock involved, called carbonaceous chondrite, is found in other asteroids, too.
Five service companies, they left the boilers in such an appalling condition it was thought necessary to report them to Corgi.
The Bottom line: More money may be the necessary, but not the sufficient condition for happiness, measured by the satisfaction that may be derived from daily living.
In many cases, these diseases are hereditary and some people elect to have a test so that they can, if necessary, seek early medical treatment for the condition.
Since pursuing your passion is a necessary -- but not sufficient -- condition for a great career, it becomes logically essential to find your passion as a starting point.
Rebuilding efforts must address economic conditions and the region's aged infrastructure -- including its public housing, transportation systems, and utilities -- and identify the requirements and resources necessary to bring these systems to a more resilient condition given both current and future risks.