In the main, they are for breast reduction to combat neck and back pain.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Wales: NHS operations withheld
Neck and back pain can cripple, so an ergonomically designed model is worth its weight in gold.
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Her husband, she said, missed a flight earlier in the summer because of neck and back pain and had received treatment from MoD physios and a private osteopath.
BBC: Flt Lt Jon Egging
Dr. Michelle Collie, director of Performance Physical Therapy in Rhode Island, says she started seeing patients with head, neck and back pain caused by mobile devices six or seven years ago.
CNN: Your smartphone is a pain in the neck
Sitting too much can cause back and neck pain and a slowed metabolic rate.
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Elsewhere the research showed that driving on long journeys to visit relatives or take the family for a day out can lead to lower back pain and neck problems.
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He was decades into his professional career when he began to see large numbers of patients who were suffering from mysterious conditions associated with lower back, neck, trunk, and limb pain.
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Her symptoms included insomnia, oversleeping, migraines, nausea, vomiting, weight gain, acne, and pain in her back, shoulder and neck.
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