Needless to say, it's hard to know which of these bills to cheer for.
Needless to say, it's better to inspire your brain than to ignore it.
Needless to say, Windows Phone's still got some catching up to do -- so that's good news.
There aren't many places in Britain where a single employer has played such a big part in the area's history and needless to say, many companies are not doing as well as Tiptree, at home or abroad.
Allow me to say as well that the U.S. is a top foreign investor worldwide, needless to say, and it is the second-largest foreign investor in Argentina, after Spain.
Needless to say, that means it's rugged, waterproof, and built to eat dirt -- or at least capture the moments when you do.
ENGADGET: ION Air Pro POV camera: shoot on the piste, upload to the cloud, we go hands-on (video)
Needless to say, many of Europe's leaders will instead look for ingenious ways to ignore or reverse the Irish decision.
Needless to say, U.S. defense and intelligence officials are angry, and understandably so.
FORBES: WikiLeaks And The Ongoing Beat Of The Cyberwar Drums
Needless to say, there's not a warm and fuzzy history there.
Needless to say, a near doubling of the U.S. national debt suggests that the endgame to this crisis is going to eventually bring much higher interest rates and a collapse in today's bond-market bubble.
Notably, Comet also proclaimed that it had seen a 7, 000-percent (yes, that's correct) uptick in sales of 50-inch sets over the past two years, and needless to say, that category has become the outfit's fastest growing.
ENGADGET: Shocker: consumers are buying larger screen HDTVs HD
Needless to say, the U.S. is not the only country pursuing the clean-energy prize.
FORBES: Clean Energy Exports? Think Energy Audits, Not Solar Panels
Needless to say, Mario Draghi's predecessor at the top of the ECB never said anything nearly as supportive.
Needless to say, the company's confident that the software components of the Transporter system will be finely tuned by the time Transporters begin making their way into the hands of backers.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with Transporter, the peer-to-peer social storage solution
Needless to say, Mr Obama's policies have their imperfections.
Needless to say, the prospect of the region's wind turbine population tripling - and the turbines themselves doubling in height - is a nightmarish vision to some.
Needless to say, both sides insist that the other's figures do not add up.
Needless to say, it resonated with many of Nokia's now disenfranchised fans and employees, and it made some serious waves -- enough so that Plan B was picked up by several major news outlets, including this morning's print edition of the Wall Street Journal.
That would, needless to say, put him safely beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement.
Needless to say, these horrific experiences had an enduring imprint on Rousseff's foreign policy views.
Needless to say, this is the antithesis of those who founded the U.S. in the 1790s.
FORBES: Debt-Ceiling Gimmickry Is Unbecoming A Rational Government
Needless to say, it was noticed instantaneously, causing an almost immediate decline in Bush's poll ratings.
You've said from this podium, needless to say, that the President and First Lady are practically thrilled with Team USA's performance in London.
The world's economic centre of gravity, from which much of this good news flows, is, needless to say, the United States.