• Baldwin spends a few minutes needling Arline and Arthur Hass on the merits of the petition.

    CNN: American Scene: Taking Political Baby Steps

  • Sautet builds up a needling tension, aided by fine renditions of Ravel at his most difficult and plaintive.

    NEWYORKER: Un Coeur en Hiver

  • Maybe Clinton liked the agency's record of needling New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the probable Republican challenger.

    FORBES: Politics On Madison Avenue

  • But Minnesotans, who put Mr Ventura into the governorship because they were fed up with politics-as-usual, dislike personal needling.

    ECONOMIST: The Republicans stand a chance of unseating Paul Wellstone

  • Nineteen controls received two treatments, four weeks apart, of dry-needling, which involved inserting an acupuncture needle into rotator-cuff tissue to stimulate healing.

    WSJ: The Research Report: How to Treat Burns With Running Water

  • Wurman relishes the role of onstage impresario, tossing free hats to the audience, needling latecomers and rambling about his past successes in between desultory interviews.

    FORBES: Son Of TED

  • But if the Hungarian conservative leader, Viktor Orban, wins the election that is likely next year, Slovakia may find its needling meets a more vigorous response.

    ECONOMIST: Hungary and Slovakia

  • Although late-night hosts are known for needling their network bosses on-air, the timing of Leno's latest jabs at NBC seemed to make the network particularly uncomfortable.

    WSJ: Fallon reportedly replacing Leno, moving to NY

  • Add, finally, the bungling of the House Republicans, first in ruling out the alternative of a censure motion and then in needling the Senate to be equally partisan.

    ECONOMIST: Bill Clinton��s luck

  • But lingering in this thought is a needling twist of irony: We would never take on the risks our parents took let alone the risks taken by the Pilgrims.

    FORBES: The Pilgrims Versus The TSA

  • As Obama took to the trail in Michigan on Monday, the state's Republican Party released an Internet ad needling him over his decision not to campaign in Michigan during the primaries.

    CNN: Obama's path to presidency goes through Michigan

  • Does this response discover a further, subtle, conscience-needling irony?

    NEWYORKER: Flashes of Light

  • We followed him on our motorbikes, passing dusty buildings with candy-coloured roofs and needling through the crowded streets stitched to the banks of the Bassac, one of three rivers that meet at the low-rise Cambodian capital.

    BBC: Cambodia��s creepy-crawly cuisine

  • Ever since Soft Spot, and starting with the title track to 2005's End of Love, he's taken to occasionally needling those for whom expressions of love run counter to a painstakingly maintained ironic distance.

    NPR: Eef Barzelay: A Blueprint For Finding Love

  • The populist mayor of Cluj, Georghe Funar, has built a career out of needling the city's Hungarians, doing away with historic street-names and sponsoring what Hungarians say is a spurious archaeological dig round a statue of Matthias Corvinus, a 15th-century Magyar king.

    ECONOMIST: Romania

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