• And in my opinion, rock cannot withstand that kind of burden because it forces onto rock qualities which are the negation of what rock was all about in the first place.

    NEWYORKER: We Are Alive

  • Even in South Africa, one of the better postings over the years for a Cuban doctor, the negation of professional status can become too much.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The negation of the ban itself will likely have minimal impact, as kids would have found their way to violent games in any case, but the real story is that video games are now classified as a protected art form, the same way books, theater and movies are.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Strikes Down California's Violent Video Game Ban

  • Identity talk encourages us to respect the autonomy of groups and individuals, yet extreme mental debility reflects the impairment, even negation, of autonomy.

    NEWYORKER: Little Strangers

  • Eventually, after a series of religious wars, the Christian church confessed its negation of Christian charity.

    WSJ: Joseph Loconte: The Easter Message of Religious Freedom

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