• The goal of these policies is to contain inflation, despite having the negative side-effect of quelling growth.

    FORBES: 'Quantitative Tightening' As Emerging Markets Attempt To Tame Inflation

  • This boost could outweigh the much-touted negative effect of a shake-out of labour as companies restructure and, in any case, that shake-out might not happen to any great extent if the economy as a whole is recovering, taking incomes and profits up with it.

    ECONOMIST: Just possibly, something to sing about at last | The

  • We believe that overall, done well, that the positive impact of the fact that Washington is getting its act together and getting its fiscal house in order will outweigh the effect -- the negative effect of cuts because of the way the cuts are structured and enacted, and because of the protections that are embedded in this legislation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • What Mr. Roche leaves out is the enormous impact that outsourcing to China will have on world labor markets, the massive displacement that this will cause, and thus the offsetting negative effect--due to decreases in demand from laid-off workers in other parts of the world--on price deflation in consumer-goods markets.

    FORBES: A river runs deep

  • Members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law recently held a hearing on three of the bills, aimed at fixing the problem on behalf of state and local governments--which depend on sales taxes to support police, fire, and other crucial services--and calming fears about the negative effect of e-commerce on their tax bases.

    CNN: Legislators debate proposals for e-commerce taxes

  • The guaranteed, short-term reward outweighs the potential, long-term negative effect.

    FORBES: Nothing Comes Between Me And My SUV

  • If it decides to come out with a lower priced iPhone I would agree that it will have a negative effect on its high-end phones.

    FORBES: Jefferies Apple's EPS Estimates Significantly Below Consensus

  • In other filed comments, the Spark Institute, which represents companies that service 62 million plan participants, warns that the department's questions are so far reaching that they could have a negative spillover effect on existing third-party advice programs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Ex-England captain Graham Gooch feels the time Pietersen and Australia legend Shane Warne spent together at Hampshire might have had a negative effect on the South African-born batsman.

    BBC: Harmison calls for England unity

  • Unfortunately, none of this translates to an effect--positive or negative--on the local economy.

    FORBES: Real Estate

  • Nurses and trade unions have warned closing the Loughborough NHS walk-in centre will have a negative effect on patients and waiting times.

    BBC: Leicester

  • The U.S. must impress on Syria that Syrian backsliding on terrorism will have an immediate, profound and negative effect on U.S.-Syrian relations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A US force for the Golan Heights? A roundtable discussion

  • But those negative headlines have already had a knock-on effect with bookings in the lucrative youth market well down on last year, according to Thomson Holidays.

    BBC: British tourists flock to enjoy the nightlife in Faliraki

  • But if enough people expect a negative effect, the fear will be self-fulfilling.

    ECONOMIST: Wind energy and politics

  • But no analyst in the world believes that banks can end their addiction to state-supported loans without there being a negative effect on credit provision for households and businesses.

    BBC: Lloyds almost off addiction to taxpayer loans

  • Seeing as how the clip has hit the internet mere days before the premiere, we doubt it will have a negative effect on box office sales come Friday -- unless, of course, those first 36 minutes are irrevocably horrible.

    CNN: Long 'Harry Potter' movie clip leaked online

  • Washington (CNN) - Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Arizona) said Tuesday that Time-Warner Cable's retransmission dispute with Disney-ABC is a prime example of the negative effect the concentrated power of media conglomerates can have on the average American.

    CNN: McCain speaks out on Time Warner-ABC flap

  • So for all the wonderful benefits of better plant-life conditions, there will be a relatively small negative side effect.

    FORBES: Global Warmists Allergic To The Truth During Pollen Season

  • In effect these types of measures represent on-off negative supply shocks on inflation, taking it lower, says Tony Volpon, managing director at Nomura Securities in New York.

    FORBES: Brazil's B In BRICs Stands For Boring

  • Still, short-selling bans seem to have a neutral, even slightly negative effect, on the stocks it tries to protect.

    FORBES: In Defense Of Short-Sellers: Bans Cost Investors More Than $1B In 2008

  • They further suggest that the negative growth rate effect of high debt may start from levels of around 70-80% of GDP.

    FORBES: Are We Really Ready to Write Off America?

  • It is a negative side effect, if you will, of increased global economic growth that -- because of higher consumption of petroleum products, the price of oil goes up often.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • All this shifting of wealth is a zero-sum game and the net effect on incomes is usually zero, or even negative.

    FORBES: The Wonders of Wealth, the Path Out of Poverty

  • The researchers suggest a "small but significant" negative effect of 4% linked to the combined effects of smoking and impaired lung function - itself linked to smoking.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Smoking 'is bad for your brain'

  • This fact has made it a tempting target for negative campaign ads, which were deployed by the Democrats to great effect in the recent NY-26 Congressional election.

    FORBES: The Republicans Must Rethink Medicare Reform

  • Several expressed misgivings about President Barack Obama's support for same-sex marriage, and others had negative thoughts about Mitt Romney being a Mormon or the effect of his policies on their congregants.

    CNN: Black pastors aren't saying 'don't vote'

  • In that 2011 Turkish Grand Prix, Red Bull duo Vettel and Webber finished first and second respectively but the German, a three-time world champion, concedes that his team's driving is having a negative effect on the Pirellis.

    CNN: Pirelli admit tire testing 'inadequacies'

  • This early failure in the Japanese market has a compounding negative effect on worldwide console sales, as game developers are less willing to invest in high-risk projects for console platforms that are shaky out-of-the-gates, which makes it less attractive for gamers to buy these consoles, and so on.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The effect on GDP would be negative, just as it would for proposed expansions of the income-capped refundable Earned Income Tax Credit, and the refundable part of the child credit.

    WSJ: Opinion: Corporate Tax Cuts Needed

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