They have discovered that some principles are non-negotiable in their relations with Islam, particularly women's rights.
And did you miscalculate the extent that this appears to be non-negotiable here in Korea?
People can scrimp on their other indulgences, but professional football is non-negotiable for many.
But when employers explicitly stated that salary was negotiable, women stepped up, and with zest.
What this means, then, is that interest payments on debt are basically non-negotiable spending items.
This desperation selling, coupled with non-negotiable demands from lenders for more cash in their margin account.
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Kibaki has claimed victory, however, and appeared to say Thursday that his office was non-negotiable.
Others, such as an exchange of political prisoners for kidnapped soldiers, are thorny but negotiable.
They also boasted a non-negotiable day rate of Euro 2, 000 but in reality would take 600.
And they insist the Dayton accord's demand that all sides cooperate with the tribunal is non- negotiable.
He stressed that both lease duration and apartment location are negotiable, if the right situation comes up.
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President Obama said that the US had an "unprecedented" "solemn obligation", which was "non-negotiable", to guarantee Israel's security.
But with recession-wary companies still pinching pennies and hesitant to open their wallets, your salary may be non-negotiable.
He also calls Israel's security non-negotiable and compares his policies toward Israel with those of Republican Arizona Sen.
Our system is deeply stressed, our financial and our natural resources are limited and our needs are not negotiable.
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In the search for a solution targets for reducing deficits have become negotiable.
Immediate demands and needs are not negotiable and leave little room for error.
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Though the dinnerware is negotiable, the Wright furniture is included with the sale.
Medical, dental, and life insurance plans, which have varying levels of contribution and coverage to elect, are usually non-negotiable.
EU, has made an end to capital punishment a non-negotiable condition of membership.
But, with the war-minded nationalists still firmly entrenched in Serbia, the notion that independence might be negotiable seems far-fetched.
Iran, for its part, insists its uranium work is non-negotiable, now or ever.
Consider your life insurance a fixed and non-negotiable expense in the same way you would your mortgage or car payment.
The EULAs are form agreements that are non-negotiable, and users must accept their terms in order to play the games.
Some of the most fertile negotiation situations are those that people think are unmovable or not negotiable to begin with.
Both sides drew up lists of non-negotiable and high-priority roles, and Europe has succeeded in winning most of what it wanted.
Instead of amounting to pseudo-ethnic classifications, these categories are more like shifting, negotiable realms of possibility economically speaking, enterprise zones.
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As you did with the list of negotiable items, gather your information.
Those rights, which were with us when we were born, are non-negotiable.
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And it's not only the amount of severance pay that is negotiable.