Now customers want to watch over coal mines, construction sites, private yachts, neighborhood bars, even forests.
Not long after it opened, the neighborhood showed the first signs of growth in years.
From the top of the hill, we walked into the adjacent neighborhood of Utatsuyama.
She says her neighborhood, Adhamiya, is no longer permissive if she is not clad so modestly.
She's lived in the neighborhood all her life, but South Los Angeles has changed.
Mr. ZALMAN SHOVAL (Former Israeli Ambassador to U.S.): Israelis are worried because we live in a worrisome neighborhood.
The profits from this rich manufacturing base financed rows of mansions in the Hillside neighborhood.
Soon, neighborhood kids had joined, and today, the site has more than 50, 000 registered accounts.
Mara Vanderslice is the Deputy Director at The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
In both cases, the tornadoes dropped out of the sky just west of Shelley's neighborhood.
Budgeting for unanticipated expenses, she rents a cute but modest apartment in a middle-class neighborhood.
And a police patrol was struck in the southern neighborhood of Saydiyah, wounding six.
Today he owns two townhomes in the city's tony Lincoln Park neighborhood--both inside limited liability corporations.
We are joining together with faith-based and neighborhood organizations to maximize resources and outcomes.
Or what if you could send a text message to everyone in your neighborhood?
Security Council, but there's no coherence in the broader neighborhood of the Great Lakes region.
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Hofstra's president, Stuart Rabinowitz, issued a statement Wednesday saying security workers already patrol the neighborhood.
Incentives to lure renters and buyers have drawn more than 1, 000 residents to the neighborhood.
Rescue workers passed the survivors down a human chain of parents and neighborhood volunteers.
Son of Polish immigrants, he grew up in a rough neighborhood north of the Loop.
Your son used to tell you about everything, from neighborhood-kid battles to the latest music fads.
He is vying for a national parliamentary seat in a middle-class neighborhood in west Lahore.
At -300 it eclipses the -200 neighborhood it was in at the March 2009 market bottom.
Underbelly, Ms. Parker's choice for lunch, is in the Montrose neighborhood where she lives.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Annise Parker: The Modern American Boomtown
The city is divided into 17 contrade, or districts, and each contrada, or neighborhood.
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There were about 110 homes in the neighborhood, and most of them were destroyed.
When I was a kid, the neighborhood where I lived was run by gangs.
Well-wishers from the neighborhood cheered as a gray van carrying mother and child pulled up.
During the investigation, police have tracked leads pointing to vagrants in Zimmerman's off-campus neighborhood.
Our primal programming urges us to assess any being that enters our visual neighborhood.
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