Critics accuse the retail giant of destroying neighborhoods, exploiting its workers and discriminating against female employees.
Lathram scoured the country for successful charities, particularly programs that comprehensively address troubled neighborhoods.
In the area's more-affluent neighborhoods, luxury-condo developers from around the country are arriving in droves.
As you all know, Chicago is truly a city of neighborhoods, separated by parks and boulevards.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House
Each of these neighborhoods is a vital part of this city, as is every single child.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House
Then, there are the identity thieves who steal trash in high-end neighborhoods for their own purposes.
"I had no idea a tornado could flatten whole neighborhoods like this, " he said.
WSJ: After Oklahoma Tornadoes, Rescue Efforts Focus on Survivors
The shooting stunned a city where, in many neighborhoods, same-sex couples now walk freely holding hands.
"We have whole communities and whole neighborhoods that are completely gone, " Indiana State Police Sgt.
But some neighborhoods in the city have been hit hard by the foreclosure crisis.
When they went house-shopping this time, they homed in on neighborhoods with terrific public schools.
And the neighborhoods where the girls disappeared and this house are pretty close together.
Right now, we can expand broadband into rural neighborhoods, and make sure our schools are state-of-the-art.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Green Bay, WI
They're setting up small operating posts within some of these neighborhoods, essentially fortified houses and buildings.
This time, Iraqi and American forces will have a green light to enter those neighborhoods.
Conversely, the high real estate prices in Jewish neighborhoods are forcing Jews to leave the city.
They have also stepped up patrols in the affected neighborhoods to reassure frightened residents.
Many in the working-class New Orleans neighborhoods closely tied to local culture feel priced out.
Tell them to help more families keep their homes, and more neighborhoods stay vibrant and whole.
Neighborhoods are natural social networks, and Nextdoor brings their local appeal to the online world.
WSJ: Nextdoor Review: Social Network Brings Neighbors Together
"Territorial jamming" involves noise stations set up locally to interfere with reception in specific neighborhoods.
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Particularly hard hit have been recent gentrified neighborhoods like Williamsburg in Brooklyn, N.
While some neighborhoods have a grid system and street signs, many Costa Ricans ignore them.
None of the top-10 most diverse neighborhoods in the country is a familiar name to out-of-towners.
Boxers in his gym typically come from troubled backgrounds -- broken families, crime-ridden neighborhoods, absentee fathers.
Prior to the inception of this program in 1990, few police lived in these neighborhoods.
Binger went with her mother to poor neighborhoods to deliver holiday baskets of turkeys and fixings.
If you leave Broad and drive into North Philadelphia neighborhoods the scene gets even worse.
FORBES: Hey Philadelphia: It's Time To Embrace The Most-Toxic Title
In Seattle, police increased patrols in neighborhoods and around government buildings and other facilities.
Crispus Attucks Park, like most neighborhoods, falls in the extremely broad middle between these two extremes.
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