The Labour PCC has pledged neighbourhood policing will remain "at the heart" of everything the force does.
Budget changes include paying for 70 new neighbourhood policing support staff, 50 investigative assistants and 30 radio operators.
Motorists caught speeding are sent a warning letter and persistent offenders are visited by a local neighbourhood policing team.
BBC: Devon and Cornwall Speed Watch: Drop in speeding drivers
Some chief constables are warning that neighbourhood policing may have to be cut.
"We are hopeful that local policing, neighbourhood policing, bobby's on the beat will remain most of the time, " he said.
At Cleveland Police he promised to deliver "citizen focused neighbourhood policing", even spending some time on the front line himself.
The maths behind that data, say critics, would tempt many a PCC to run simple strategy focused on neighbourhood policing.
The Osborne Street Police Station, near Ferensway, will house the Riverside Neighbourhood Policing Team, licensing officers and a 24-hour enquiry desk.
The Isle of Man's new chief constable has stated his commitment to neighbourhood policing on his first day in the job.
The project, run by Neighbourhood Policing teams, will fully train volunteers from the local community to monitor vehicle speeds in their area.
Highgate Safer Neighbourhoods Panel was among those concerned about changing neighbourhood policing.
His plans include maintaining neighbourhood policing and police community support officer numbers.
Neighbourhood policing has been a great success in most areas and there seems little evidence of profound frustration that police priorities are seriously awry.
Sergeant Scott Fallis leads the Neighbourhood Policing Team in north Fermanagh.
But Sir Paul also has a strong record in driving neighbourhood policing as chief constable in Lancashire and he brings his experience from Merseyside and Northern Ireland to the job as well.
After a short spell at the Home Office in 2005, she was appointed Assistant Chief Constable at Staffordshire Police and in May 2007 transferred to West Midlands Police, where she led intelligence and neighbourhood policing.
The commission found that "an integrated approach to neighbourhood policing" is required for the West End, which has almost as many reported crimes as there are in the city centres of Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and Birmingham combined.
BBC: London's West End needs 'better governance and transport'
Neighbourhood Policing will remain, although slightly modified.
Devon and Cornwall Police had agreed with the Home Office to develop its neighbourhood policing capacity by a total of 535 PCSOs by March 2008 but with no further Home Office funding, the number will stay at 356 for the time being.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cornwall | Police 'disappointed' on support
Under a new local policing model, safer neighbourhood teams will focus on clusters of wards, Local Police Areas.
"The police service is committed to retaining its neighbourhood teams and will continue to actively explore options in the future to develop local policing bases in some form, " a force spokesman added.
He said a rural policing strategy was needed within financial challenges and suggested special constables could be deployed to rural areas while neighbourhood groups would play an important role.