"A forum involving neighbourhood watch could help with crime prevention and information gathering, " he said.
The scheme, based on the Neighbourhood Watch model, has been in operation for two years.
Support Officers often work with Neighbourhood Watch, Community Watch, Business Watch, Pub Watch, Farm Watch and Horse Watch schemes.
This has led to animal rights groups acting as a "countryside neighbourhood watch".
Henry Bellingham (Norfolk North West, Conservative) drew attention to the possibility of the closure of the Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.
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The neighbourhood watch volunteer had told a police dispatcher he thought Martin, who was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, looked suspicious.
Mr Zimmerman, acting as a neighbourhood watch volunteer, had called police several times in the months before the shooting to report incidents.
They will also see a video called Faith Secured, produced by the Home Office and Churchwatch - the ecclesiastical version of the Neighbourhood Watch.
Yet the police are happy to attribute a 53% decline in the burglary rate in Washington's inner suburbs, between 1977 and 1997, to Neighbourhood Watch and car alarms.
Putting mail through 26 million front doors every day gives the postman unique access to every household, and it's a privilege that extends the responsibility of the job beyond one of delivery man, or woman, to - in some cases - neighbourhood watch, community guardian and social worker, rolled into one.
He had recently started a neighbourhood-watch scheme and he frequently called the police to report everything from potholes to people he thought might be involved in a spate of burglaries.
ECONOMIST: A shooting becomes an excuse for political point-scoring
But thanks to the concession on contributions, millions of people, from newspaper delivery boys and waiters to pensioners on neighbourhood-watch schemes, can earn extra cash from jobs that would otherwise be priced off the market.