As temperatures rise and more ice melts, another nematode that thrives in wet soil, Eudorylaimus glacialis, is moving in.
The most obvious difference between a yeast and a nematode is that one is single-celled while the other is multi-cellular.
ECONOMIST: The first complete DNA sequence of an animal is now in the bag
What are the world's hotspots of carabid beetles, micro-moths or nematode worms?
Boosting the activity of sirtuins in yeast, nematode worms and fruitflies (three rapidly reproducing stalwarts of biological laboratories) does indeed result in longer lifespans.
While the mechanics of the Medea element are still not well understood, scientists have recently investigated another example in the nematode worm, C. elegans.
Scientists at Leeds University had been hoping to test the effectiveness and environmental impact of a new type of potato that was resistant to cyst nematode worms.
He tested his idea in a tiny nematode worm called Caenorhabditis elegans and, in 1994, published a paper showing how touch-receptor proteins are distributed around this worm.
In 1972 Sydney Brenner, a biologist then at Cambridge University, decided to work out the connections of every cell in the nervous system of a small nematode worm called C. elegans.
"Findings on the genetics of a particular nematode worm may not be directly relevant to the complex process of ageing as it happens in higher animals such as the human, " the association added.
This month a new scientific paper discussed the finding that small nematode worms of a certain species often carry a particular mitochondrial mutation the absence of 786 letters of code from a crucial gene.
Scottnema is a great carbon hoarder, and if its population is waning in Antarctica, Dr Wall theorises a similar calamity may be striking other important nematode species around the globe, potentially contributing to climate change.
They discovered that the most closely related parasite to the Onchocerca volvulus worm - the O. ochengi nematode - died after the bacteria living in it were killed by an ordinary antibiotic treatment of tetracycline.
Though RNA editing has been observed before, in animals ranging from humans to nematode worms, this is the first time an edit has been tied to a clear evolutionary difference caused by a feature of the environment in this case ambient temperature.