But the fight sent a clear message to other chaebol: no more nepotism as usual.
Mr Saakashvili made his name as a crusader for honest government and against nepotism.
"Not everyone can depend on nepotism, " says Alisyn Camerota, New York-based correspondent for Fox News.
The union sees this as a back door for patronage, nepotism and even more affirmative action.
They were willing and determined to get rid of injustice, corruption, nepotism, and poverty.
Corruption and nepotism at the top are cited among the most serious problems in Senegal.
Few will disagree: elitism, nepotism and deeply entrenched hierarchies bedevil India's progress, and politics is no exception.
There's even a Web site, aptly titled Hollywood Nepotism, devoted to documenting the growing cadre of connected stars.
Ed Butler's Assignment on nepotism in Italy, was broadcast on the BBC World Service on Thursday 21 February.
Mr Benkirane's coalition is full of ministers from the previous government he has hitherto criticised for nepotism and waste.
With no environmental clues as to their common ancestry, the birds were nevertheless able to engage in full-fledged nepotism.
Its leadership had sidelined Ms Gilowska, ostensibly on charges of nepotism, after she gave a job to her son.
It means the old ways of protecting market share and nepotism could change.
Indiana: A nepotism law prohibits local government workers from hiring or promoting family members in their direct line of supervision.
Ferguson said nepotism would play no part in his decision over whether to play Gill, who turned professional in July.
Hunter wrote in the letter that an anti-nepotism policy had been adopted, and that other hiring improvements would be implemented.
Nepotism, which seems widespread in some Brazilian state courts, would be tackled by a ban on judges employing their relations.
Nepotism isn't a good way to run a modern company, but it is unlikely to have much effect on Samsung Electronics.
Citing charges of corruption, inefficiency and nepotism, then-president Ghulam Ishak Khan sacked Bhutto in 1990 less than midway through a five-year term.
Gamal Mubarak is widely seen as a symbol of nepotism and privilege.
In baseball, where managers are traditionally former players, nepotism rarely takes hold.
WSJ: Football: Where Nepotism Works-Harbaugh, Ryan, Shanahan, Schottenheimer
It included Dr Mahathir's son, who recently sold assets to the state-owned oil company, a deal attacked as a bail-out tainted by nepotism.
Mr Suharto's critics have accused him of everything from corruption and nepotism on a grand scale to responsibility for brutalities, murder and worse.
When General Pervaiz Musharraf ousted the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif two weeks ago, he cited nepotism, corruption and inefficiency for his move.
Secondly, opponents say affirmative action undermines equality of opportunity and meritocracy fragile concepts in Brazil, where privilege, nepotism and contacts have long been routes to advancement.
Some hit back by accusing Mr Guzman of nepotism: he gave a contract for a computer system to his son's company, though he denies any wrongdoing.
Mr Zingales has written an elegy to the America he found when he moved there 24 years ago from an Italy that was rife with nepotism.
Joe Reeder, the American chairman until this week of the current board, stoutly defends the names, but concedes that the impression left is that of nepotism.
The leaked documents include a letter to Pope Benedict by the Vatican's current ambassador to Washington alleging cronyism, nepotism and corruption among the administrators of Vatican City.
BBC: Vatican launches criminal probe into unauthorised leaks
Economist Luigi Zingales is worried that the United States is becoming a land of crony capitalism and nepotism, and will suffer the fate of his homeland of Italy.