Mr. Kitces says he focused on returns during the first half of a projected 30 years of retirement, because preserving your nest egg for the first 15 years means you would be in good shape for the rest.
Even those earning minimum wage would accumulate a meaningful nest egg by the end of their work lives.
That Tyrannasaural nest egg took the poet around the world and finally to Brazil in the 1950s during the bossa nova Girl from Ipanema years.
If you expect a private money manager to catapult you and your nest egg onto the Forbes 400 Richest People in America list, take a deep breath.
If after two times in the wilderness they decide RVing isn't for them, they will have learned a valuable lesson without squandering their nest egg in the process.
One advantage is that money left unspent in accounts can be rolled over to the following year, building a nest egg to cover the deductible.
My grandfather had accepted as gospel the idea that the way to build a nest egg was to let the dividends be reinvested in more stock let it ride and multiply.
For pre-retirees who are still building the nest egg, this analysis can provide insights about what to expect in the future.
FORBES: Managing Your Retirement Fund In A Secular Bear Market
Homes were a much bigger part of the nest egg for that group, averaging 27% of their estate, like most Americans whose homes are the single most valuable investments they ever own.
He claims he has grown his nest egg nearly ninefold in the last 10 years.
And they've been forced to eat into a nest egg designed to support the girls as adults.
The nest egg is not nearly large enough to supplement their pensions and Social Security as they had hoped.
And this housing crisis struck right at the heart of what it means to be middle class in America: our homes -- the place where we invest our nest egg, place where we raise our family, the place where we plant roots in a community, the place where we build memories.
As the oil carries on gushing and oil prices stay high, the Norwegian nest egg cannot stop getting bigger.
Fortunately the nest-egg was in dollars and help was at hand in a little-known corner of America's federal bureaucracy.
As the months went by, Nelson got statements showing her nest egg getting bigger--but without ever getting the quarterly profit checks that had been promised.
Meanwhile, as the government's nest-egg of surplus tax revenues has become embarrassingly large, so Mr Fabius has emphasised the need for lower tax rates for all classes, including the rich.
My carefully budgeted nest egg had tided me over to the point where I was beginning to make some money from my music.
That's great for many Americans who feel like they can live comfortably in retirement on their other nest egg assets, not to mention the accumulated value of any real estate they've collected over the years.
The days are gone when clients could be persuaded with charts purporting to show that the stock markets rise 10 percent a year, or demonstrating how a certain hypothetical investment strategy could get their nest egg to a million dollars by the time they reach 65 years old.
Her husband, who was a successful entrepreneur, left the woman a substantial nest egg.
"I'm no different than every other American, worrying about the worth of their nest egg, " he says.
This gives your nest egg more time to grow and shortens the time you'll need to support yourself on savings alone.
Older couples who thought they were building a secure nest egg are discovering that a chunk of the equity they thought they had will be eaten up IRS depreciation recapture rules that impose a tax on the accumulated depreciation deductions they took for all those years.
And that decision can make a big difference in the eventual size of your nest egg.
Younger workers should have the opportunity to build a nest egg by saving part of their Social Security taxes in a personal retirement account.
High inflation and low interest rates do ease the pressure on those with high debts, as the amount that is owed is eaten away in the same way as a nest egg of savings is affected by inflation.
If a cowbird female fails to lay in a warbler nest in time for her egg to hatch with those of the host, she can reset the clock in her favour by killing the first clutch.
That's why we're nearly doubling the child care tax credit, and making it easier to save for retirement by giving access to every worker a retirement account and expanding the tax credit for those who start a nest egg.