But we also recognize that there are limits beyond which the net benefits are negative.
The premise that national top-down regulation of the economy brings substantial net benefits dominates public policy.
The same concept, magnified, applies to attempts to compute social and net benefits.
Spain and Portugal will fight for their net benefits, the more so since they stand to gain so little from enlargement.
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As for government projects, that estimate hinges largely on the perennial debate over whether more public investment would yield net benefits for the economy.
The net benefits -- and this is something that -- because there's all this conventional wisdom about regulations and anti-regulations -- who's for them, who's against them.
It would have also resulted in economic chaos, devastating communities across the country and costing governments tens of billions of dollars in additional social safety net benefits and lost revenue.
The study ran numerous scenarios, looking at costs of production and world prices, and found that there were net benefits to the US economy under all export scenarios, even where exports were modeled as unlimited.
Moreover, the DOE study concluded there to be a direct correlation between exports and economic gains: the more LNG that is allowed to be exported, the greater the net benefits to the United States economy in the form of real income.
What I can tell you is we will continue to work to ensure that our regulatory system is transparent, cost-effective, evidence-based, and modern, and that it continues to provide the net benefits that so surpassed the benefits achieved by previous administrations.
As a result, Mr Parry finds, the net benefits of a road-specific peak-period fee (the gain of less congestion minus the cost of disrupted travel) would be about three times bigger than a petrol-tax increase calculated to curb congestion by the same amount.
As I have discussed in the past, prevention and screening are a significant part of the ACA. Because of the ACA, insurance is required to cover all U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Grade A and B recommendations, which are services expected to have substantial to moderate net benefits.
And, as NERA pointed out for DOE, the net economic benefits to America are greater the more the exports.
FORBES: Economics 101 Comes to the U.S. Department of Energy: Exporting LNG is Good
Baby boomers will, under current law, lose roughly 5 cents of every dollar they earn to the OASI program in taxes net of benefits.
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Thanks to low rates and a pile of tax preferences, it is true that people who earn relatively little are more likely to pay zero federal income tax or even receive net cash benefits through the tax system than those in the top brackets.
Non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP EPS exclude the expenses noted above, net of the related tax benefits, as well as net income from discontinued operations.
Non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP EPS exclude the expenses noted above, net of the related tax benefits, as well as net loss from discontinued operations.
Further, elimination of the administration of the subsidy would net two additional benefits.
The accompanying chart summarizes the net amount of Medicare benefits received by average earning seniors above and beyond their lifetime payroll tax contributions.
Mr. Peitersen, running an office with 36 creative staffers, said he has learned to appreciate go-getters, especially in a place like Denmark, where a social safety net and generous unemployment benefits shield many young people from the harsh realities of business.
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The council will co-ordinate the work of existing bodies who oversee net safety and implement a comprehensive programme that will educate parents about the benefits and dangers of using the net.
But the personal accounts will pay more than the amount of Social Security benefits they replace, leaving the retiree with higher benefits overall on net.
FORBES: Social Security Personal Accounts Are A Path To Prosperity
The fiscal year 2010 benefit is primarily a result of tax benefits related to net operating loss carrybacks pursuant to the Business Assistance Act of 2009.
All told, Schwab spends 42% of its net revenues on compensation and benefits, compared with about 55% at Merrill's retail business, estimates Guy Moszkowski, a brokerage analyst at Salomon Smith Barney.
Taking into account labor, materials, transportation, and energy costs, the chemicals, primary metals, and heavy equipment manufacturing industries stand to benefit most from maintaining or expanding facilities in the U.S. Companies in wood, plastic, and rubber products could also benefit significantly, but their lower net imports might limit their benefits from on-shoring.
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The civil service has had a 13.5% pay cut and some reductions in benefits, but no net job losses.
They included a safety net guarantee of former Social Security benefits, which has never suffered a loss or cost due to failure of the personal account to beat the old system.
The objective, I'm told, is to encourage better financial planning as the new benefit, the Universal Credit, which will be paid monthly is phased in, with the aim of re-establishing the idea that benefits are a safety net for people who've fallen on hard times, and that the money paid out should be spent on essentials, not luxuries.