What will soon be the most powerful neutrino detector in the United States has recorded its first three-dimensional images of particles.
ENGADGET: NOvA neutrino detector captures cosmic rays in 3D, aims to unlock the mysteries of the universe
That Tron-ish, equalizer-like graphic is actually a 3D representation of particle activity left behind by cosmic rays interacting within NOvA, the Department of Energy's under construction neutrino detector.
Using the first completed section of the NOvA neutrino detector, scientists have begun collecting data from cosmic rays-particles produced by a constant rain of atomic nuclei falling on the Earth's atmosphere from space .
ENGADGET: NOvA neutrino detector captures cosmic rays in 3D, aims to unlock the mysteries of the universe
Using the underground Sudbury neutrino detector, an international group of researchers has been able to determine that the observed number of electron-neutrinos is only a fraction of the total number emitted from the Sun - clear evidence that the particles change type en route to Earth.
When a neutrino interacts in the NOvA detector , the particles it produces leave trails of light in their wake.
ENGADGET: NOvA neutrino detector captures cosmic rays in 3D, aims to unlock the mysteries of the universe
Once the upgraded Fermilab neutrino beam starts, the NOvA detector will take data every 1.3 seconds to synchronize with the Fermilab accelerator .
ENGADGET: NOvA neutrino detector captures cosmic rays in 3D, aims to unlock the mysteries of the universe
The world's most powerful neutrino telescope, IceCube, uses Antarctic ice as the detector volume, with electronic equipment sunk throughout a cubic kilometer of ice -- enough water to fill a million swimming pools -- to detect signals from neutrinos interacting with the ice.
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The detector records these streams of light , enabling physicists to identify the original neutrino and measure the amount of energy it had.
ENGADGET: NOvA neutrino detector captures cosmic rays in 3D, aims to unlock the mysteries of the universe
Using baseline calculations and looking at the data from several other neutrino experiments, Cohen and Glashow demonstrate that from the neutrino starting energies that OPERA claimed, the neutrinos that arrived in Italy at the OPERA detector should have seen most of their energy depleted.
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