We were facing the sort of never-ending delay that would have provoked universal apoplexy back home in London.
The key for them is to simply not engage their adversaries in a never-ending shootout.
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We can adapt as part of our never-ending effort to form a more perfect union.
Sarkozy appeared as the never-ending attacker who always tried to push his rival into mistakes.
CNN: Personality, not economics, lost Sarkozy the presidency
One key to the Star Wars phenomenon has been its never-ending cycle of releases and re-releases.
In our view, the bulls still hold the upper hand in this ongoing, never-ending debate.
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But many in Tokyo are tiring of the nuclear crisis, one which seems never-ending.
It smelled an awful lot like just another way to extend the never-ending Shrek franchise.
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Strong language on the never-ending battle against corruption was likewise backed up with action.
Some were kept in cages lit constantly, so as to resemble a never-ending overcast day.
Bankers admitted to developing chronic pain, never-ending colds, anger management problems and nervous tics such as nail-biting.
This is something of a problem for Apple in the never-ending patent litigation against Samsung.
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It sometimes seems that the only person not taking part in this never-ending discussion is Suharto himself.
New music from my friends fills up my Spotify inbox at a seemingly never-ending pace (and vice versa).
The never-ending human need to find someone to blame has turned to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.
Tons of themes available out there in the Enlightenment community to provide a never-ending supply of eye candy options.
In the never-ending race to protect our country, we have to stay one step ahead of a nimble adversary.
As the automakers demand never-ending cuts in component prices, they are hurting financially.
"Companies saw China as a never-ending story and wanted to invest their profits in new shipping capacity, " he said.
Assumed incompetence puts women on the defensive and their struggle to prove themselves keeps them on a never-ending treadmill.
The only downside: "Storage is a never-ending battle on a boat, " he says.
Cross-border engines of growth, these are the entities that will have to pull us out of our never-ending recession.
Industry then provided the jobs for the seemingly never-ending stream of incoming migrants.
In the U.S. the never-ending war on drugs endures, to modest discernible effect.
The incident stirred up that never-ending debate about instant replay in soccer, which the game's authorities have staunchly resisted.
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Today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time.
WoW was a game that was never-ending, full of quests from the start.
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What they all had in common was their never-ending commitment to employee satisfaction.
The British have a lively, detailed and seemingly never-ending debate about the euro.
This in the midst of never-ending night, in the middle of a jobless recovery that seems to have no end.
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