"Being in the computer industry is like being in Never-Never Land, " Carpenter said.
" He added: "I would conclude that only in never-never land would a combination of circumstances such as I have seen indicate that all this happened by chance.
Does it never land or is it flying around until it runs out of fuel?
Milli from Team UmiZoomi -- Jake from Jake and the Never Land Pirates -- Sofia The First -- Domino the Great -- Captain Barnacles Bear from The Octonauts -- Lt.
The males of the species may never return to land after surviving the arduous hatching process.
The snob mentality never helped anyone land a job in the midst of an economic crisis.
Smith held Tyson from start to finish, never letting him land his customarily vicious shots.
In British Columbia, that matters: there, apart from a few small areas (such as on Vancouver Island), natives never ceded their land by treaty and claim that nearly all the province is still theirs.
He had never visited the Pacific Northwest, never appreciated the staggering breadth of his adopted land.
"I was just a child but I understood that I would never give up my land, " Siren said.
The Maisin say they never signed away their land and that the lease is invalid, with inadequate signatures.
The solons may vow that speculation and leverage will never again ravage the land, but they might just as well try to repel the tide.
Over the course of history, this land has never been divided in a successful manner.
He promised South African businessmen that Zimbabwe-style land invasions would never happen in South Africa.
Some workers never get to their economic promised land and have to work hard up to and through retirement.
FORBES: How I Know Higher Taxes Would Be Good For The Economy
Boyer said Santa Barbara county has never been approached about burial on private land.
CNN: Jackson family may be allowed burial at Neverland Ranch
Easements also offer another benefit: They will allow him to pass along the land to his children without huge capital gains taxes, because the land, which will never be fully developed, is valued at a lower rate.
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After becoming acquainted with Mr. Heywood, she recommended that he act as a middleman for an unidentified company and to participate in the initial planning of a land project, which never got started, Xinhua quoted her as saying.
Chinese partners might inject buildings, equipment or what may have appeared at the time to be overvalued land use rights, but never cash.
Whatever she does in her career from now on, she will never forget standing on that podium with 'Land of Hope and Glory' being belted out by 38, 000 fans.
"The smugglers were trying to pick these up before daylight, but there was probably an agent in the area, " Adame said, explaining why the smugglers on the U.S. side never collected the canisters that pockmarked the tilled land.
The U.S. has produced world class skiers before, but never has it produced so many skiers who consistently land on the podiums at World Cup events.
Therefore, decisions to give away the land either through sales or concessions should never be taken lightly by governments.
McGUFFIN: In a drought-ravaged land awash with guns, the problems are never far away.
If only one were to hit or IMPACT EARTH on land get ready for a winter you will never forget.
Christopher Pymont QC, for Mr Howard, argued Sir John never legally owned the castle and its thousands of acres of land.
Starwood acquired the rights to the site from hotel developer Orient Express, which had a contract to buy the land from the New York Public Library but never closed.
It is the very nature of the battle in Afghanistan - to push the Taliban out, take land and hold it - which means helicopters could never be the one-and-only solution.
Test pilots demonstrated that it could fly and land in the atmosphere like airplanes, but the Enterprise never flew in space.