Propositions to legalise or expand commercial gambling are never without controversy, yet they never stop surfacing.
Off the bandstand, Desmond was never without female companionship, when he wanted it.
Gonzalez said that passengers were never without electricity, thanks to emergency generators, and have ample food and water on board.
She said that passengers were never without electricity, thanks to emergency generators, and have ample food and water on board.
The story of poor-girl-makes-good was never quite straight, the fame never without its tawdry side, the money never reliably there, the behaviour rarely unembarrassing.
People began sniping about his liberal leasing of a Gulfstream IV, occasionally flying alone, and of how he was never without his personal public-relations agent.
Moderate though New Labour may seem, change is never without risks.
His son, also John Gillespie, 55, said his father was a "gentleman", who was "always immaculately dressed, never without a shirt and tie and often with his trilby hat".
In other words, Mrs Thatcher was never without an ideological compass which, at least until her last two years in power, provided a steadfast guide to direction and action.
In an upper-class suburb of Sydney, in 1972, Elizabeth Hunter (Charlotte Rampling), an intelligent, vicious, rich old woman, very ill but never without awareness of her power, wills herself not to die.
"She has never disappeared without letting the family know where she is, " Watson said.
Because you know as well as anyone that change never comes without a fight.
As their friendship deepened, he asked her to promise him that she would never disappear without explanation.
But such a plan could never succeed without a robust individual insurance market.
FORBES: The Deal Dems And GOP Could Strike On Medicare And Health Reform
But in practice such proposals seldom emerge and can never succeed without the backing of the other two institutions.
The truth is that herbs are rarely-to-never taken without knowledge of their effects gained either from books on herbology or alternative medical practitioners.
FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK
Social entrepreneurship is just a buzz word, and it never succeeds without a deep understanding of the local environment, corporate governance, and long-term infrastructure.
Thanks to a few incidents where he needed to change a tyre on a rental car, Dan Pepper said he never travels without a black nylon raincoat with a pouch.
Because of the way our health care system works today -- with emphasis on restricting immediate costs -- this cardiac center, despite Norwood's brilliant successes, could never happen without the Nemours Foundation.
As users on Hacker News and Reddit point out, however, Apple modified its website recently to ensure the message is never displayed without visitors having to scroll down to the bottom first.
FORBES: Yet Even More Apple Samsung Apology: When Is A Page A Page?
Change never comes without a fight, Florida.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
At the time, she wasn't too worried because she'd never really been without a job.
Second of all, companies should realize that storing data will never create value without analysis.
The global popularity of ATM cards has also helped ensure people never leave home without one.
Malaria will never be eradicated without the full support of the President of the United States.
This deal would never have happened without all of your hard work and accomplishments this past year.
FORBES: AOL Content Chief David Eun Resigns as Arianna Moves In