The exact details of what will be included and excluded from this latest version of England's curriculum have yet to be published, but Mr Gove promised: "Our new curriculum affirms - at every point - the critical importance of knowledge acquisition".
There are a lot of people who think that some kind of international baccalaureate would be a good idea and we will be publishing proposals on the whole 14-19 curriculum again in the new year.
If I still believed that childhood obesity was something that I was called to dedicate my life to, then I could find a way to create after-school sports and fitness programs, educational seminars, or new school curriculum that developed fundamental changes in the habits of parents and children.
An Intel Senior Fellow recently complained at a New York conference that universities are slow to bring multi-threading programming into their curriculum.
New secondary school curriculum options, including junior apprenticeships for 14 to 16 year-olds, are giving pupils more choice to meet their aspirations, and we will take curriculum reform further.