Christ came to comfort the poor and the sick and the essence of Christmas is a new birth.
Officials expect 300 people a year to apply for new birth certificates, once a current backlog of 5, 000 is cleared.
BBC: Transsexual Elizabeth Bellinger and her husband Michael
The booklet for new fathers is being drawn up to give tailored advice and tips to fathers ahead of a new birth.
In 2011 the Transgender Law Center successfully pushed for passage of legislation ending surgery as a requirement to obtain a new birth certificate in California.
The city says if it were to allow an individual like Ms Prinzivalli to obtain a new birth certificate with the different sex, it would be "knowingly issuing a false public record".
Trump says he provided Maher with a New York birth certificate that proved he didn't descend from an ape -- but Maher hasn't paid up.
An engineer by training, American by citizenship, New Yorker by birth and attitude, he has lived much of his life in Asia and Europe.
FORBES: Understanding The Engine Of Innovation: 'The Idea Hunter'
This change could be radical enough to prevent the new strain from interbreeding with the old, signalling the birth of a new species.
It was an extraordinary time: the Tory meltdown and the birth of New Labour.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requiring new labels on a birth control patch that delivers hormones through the skin.
David Alexander told the UK Astronomy Meeting the collisions were probably providing the material to feed the holes and drive the birth of new stars.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Deepest X-rays tell merger story
And in 2010, the US State Department issued new guidelines requiring only "appropriate clinical treatment" to obtain a new passport or a birth certificate for US citizens born outside the country.
The discovery of the gene that controls Rett syndrome could lead to the development of a test to diagnose the disorder before birth and new methods to prevent the debilitating effects of the disease.
BBC: News | Health | Scientists crack secret of child disease
Finding new technologies, such as low-cost infant resuscitation devices or incubators, and new approaches to improve birth outcomes for mothers and newborns would not only alleviate suffering, but would also have a significant impact on public health and economic productivity.
The Columbia River is punctuated by 14 huge dams that still generate electricity for the millions who live along its watershed, and as the region shifts to other sources of renewable energy, it's giving birth to new giants awe-inspiring structures that will stare down at us for centuries.
Texting is not the mangling of language -- it's the birth of a new one.
Within a year, his findings and others had given birth to a new field called neuroeconomics.
Others will be expanded to take account of increases in the birth rate and new housing developments.
They will be there to attend a ceremony on Saturday to mark the birth of a new nation.
It is their ideas that have given birth to whole new industries, and they need the law's protection.
ADN, has performed well in the six elections since the birth of a new parliamentary democracy in 1983.
Ms O'Conner said a rising birth rate and new housing developments had led to the shortage of places.
The growth of the business in Europe has given birth to a new species of star:the in-house hedge-fund manager.
Saturday 9 July sees the birth of two new nations, not just one.
Recall that in 1976 the Apple I tumbled out of a northern California garage, giving birth to a new industry.
But the birth of a new electoral alliance on the right could rob him once again of an overall majority.
"We're witnessing the birth of a new industry, the personal fund industry, and it's going to be a monster, " O'Shaughnessy says.
Of course, the CWC would give birth to a new international bureaucracy.
She fell pregnant and this time the pregnancy continued normally, ending with the birth of her new baby boy Harry at 40 weeks.