Earlier this month New Century Financial, a major independent subprime lender, filed for bankruptcy.
And it is also working on plans to haul electronic payment into the new century.
No stain of history is left on the spotless mind of the new century.
This week, New Century Financial lost its listing with the New York Stock Exchange.
Like any entity, the United States needs a clearly defined strategy for the new century.
We are in the 21st century, and we need new ideas for this new century.
We will see whether this new century's titans step up to such a role.
And to maintain our leadership in this new century, we must summon that same resolve.
The one that can meet the challenges of an entirely new century and new age.
CNN: Blair's speech at 10 Downing Street - 1997 UK Elections
At the dawn of the new century, a new technology promised to fundamentally change global economics.
And I think it will only grow more important as we move into this new century.
BBC: News | Monitoring | President Clinton on Shanghai radio phone-in
Europeans, he charged, have entered a new century with a misplaced confidence in arms control.
Credit market jitters began in February, when one of the largest subprime lenders, New Century Financial, collapsed.
Or will they be ready to take the torch of American leadership and exceptionalism into the new century?
These challenges come at a time when the international order has already been reshaped for a new century.
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Look, we're trying to lay a foundation for a new century -- not to -- not make-work jobs.
Protecting our Nation from the dangers of a new century requires more than good intelligence and a strong military.
That's certainly not going to make employees of New Century feel better, however.
Scottish Provincial Press also has two publishing divisions, New Century and Method Publishing.
NPR's Chris Arnold reports on some New Century customers who have been struggling.
However, in this new century, new ideas must be tried in order for the retail industry to remain viable.
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In the first 10 years of the new century, the number of full-time jobs in Barking and Dagenham fell by a quarter.
Now, in a new century, it has picked up the trappings of modernity.
The stream of immigration that flowed in the 1890s became a deluge during the first decade of the new century.
As a new century begins, cyber-crime, including electronic terrorism, looms as a new way for criminals to threaten global security.
CNN: Governments ready to fight cyber-crime in new millennium
Recently, a surge in foreclosures triggered panic and hit subprime lenders like Countrywide Financial, NovaStar Financial and New Century Financial.
But helping HBCUs chart a new path in this new century will require much more on all of our parts.
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The Rothko fiasco tells you a lot about how the culture of art collecting is changing dramatically in the new century.
Olbermann worked for ESPN from 1992 to 1997, so he can claim, you know, it's a new century and all that.
New Zealand started the new century where they finished the last, winning the first of five one-day internationals against the West Indies in Auckland.