With this new internal harmony, the RFU has set out to refresh its sponsorship strategy during 2012, signing new deals with Canterbury, BMW, and O2, among others.
These new products join the Logitech Harmony Touch to complete the Logitech Harmony remote lineup.
Yet elsewhere in the city, old and new Moscow find themselves in better harmony.
Let us stop the hemorrhage, let us bind the wounds, let us open a new chapter of durable peace and harmony.
We can do it if together we support a new model for economic development, in harmony with the environment.
The forum unites flaxroots community representatives, volunteers, central and local government officials, media, academics, health professionals, language advocates, sports people, librarians, teachers, artists, museum staff, faith groups, employers, worker and young people to talk about practical ways cultural diversity can be fostered and all New Zealanders can enjoy equal opportunities and live in harmony.
New England town halls were meant to show-case harmony and consensus, not be a forum for free opinions.
Peace and harmony achieved, even with a couple of new twists.
After a long new product hiatus, the late 2012 release of the Harmony Touch remote hasn't stopped Logitech from mulling a sale of the brand, but it's not done with it just yet.
The company identified 17 products that met its standard of providing "significant and measurable environmental performance advantages, " including a Lexan film that replaces conventional paint, Harmony water-conserving washing machines, the new fuel-efficient GEnx jet engine and GE's Evolution locomotive, a 208-ton, 4, 400hp workhorse that burns 3% less fuel and puts out 40% less pollution than its immediate predecessor.
Under Boden's direction LG will soon be promoting a new identity: "It's about the perfect harmony between stylish design and smart technology, " he says.
Some of the big gold and platinum producers, such as AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields, Harmony, Lonmin and Aquarius, have been granted new licences for existing mines.
There has been a lot of talk about the new movie Spring Breakers, which is probably just the way director Harmony Korine and his cast wanted it.
FORBES: 'Spring Breakers': Girls Gone Wild or Wise Career Move?
Let us hope it will also be a force for peace and harmony in a world that is clearly headed for a new, vigorous and provocative pluralism of values, cultures and civilizations.
He still backs what he calls the principle of privatisation, but new-model Mr Klaus implies that change must not come at the cost of social harmony.
Here are two Pinots from producers devoted to a richer, New World style, but who have incorporated a sense of the wine's fine harmony and balance.
To avert that, Mr Dombrovskis could offer Harmony Centre a deal, perhaps in place of the smallest coalition party, a new ultra-nationalist alliance which has eight seats and an unpleasant fringe.
Its new, democratically elected government believed this approach was the best way to lay the foundation for future racial harmony.
This year's recipients include the Shakespeare Remix program in New York, where inner-city teens adapt and perform Shakespearean texts to reflect their own lives, and the Harmony Project in Los Angeles, which provides free music instruction to at-risk children.