The Festival with its emerging global reach driven largely by social media and its roving event schedule gives these newleaders a larger platform in the international community of 21st-century activists and influencers.
Last week, at an event in New York City, 17-year-old Brittany Wenger joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and 12 other internationalleaders for the official launch of the Equal Futures Partnership, a new multilateral initiative to break down barriers to women's political participation and economic opportunity.
Mr Mbeki has managed to swing important internationalleaders behind his Africa rejuvenation plan, the New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad).
For their part, some continent leaders say they did not rush to recognize the new Libyan leadership because the international community overstepped its boundaries.
Mr Cameron has said the international community stands ready to give advice and assistance to the country's newleaders as they embark on the path of building a free, democratic and inclusive Libya.
Our leaders need to know that the public will stand behind them when the New Israel Fund grantees collaborate with the international Left and the Islamic Movement to demonize Israel as racist for protecting the property rights of the state and its citizens.