Ford is also announcing a surprise new member to the AppLink family: the Apple iPhone.
The second is to register as workers under the scheme for new member states.
BBC: Asylum seekers from new EU countries no longer get support
The new member states are Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Both clubs will probably need some if the Premier League is to have a new member next season.
Poland is among the new member states which want current regional funding levels to be maintained or increased.
Foreign companies too are increasingly using Vienna as a base for their operations in the new member states.
Cloud computing pioneer Piers Linney has been named as the new member of the Dragons' Den, replacing Theo Paphitis.
The situation is the worst in Benelux area, Northern Italy, and new member states such as Poland and Hungary.
EU's new member countries to persuade British voters to vote against the constitution.
Wendy Weikel is a new member, and she says it's comforting to see how other people live with their loss.
Cotton quickly scans each office, eliciting quizzical glances from occupants who don't recognize him as a new member of Congress.
The Minnesota Twins, a new member of the high payroll club since they opened Target Field, are blessed with Justin Morneau.
Mr Wride said the Counter-Strike team had recruited a new member who was one of the best players in the world.
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Matalin, a new member of the Best Political Team on Television, will appear with her husband only on State of the Union.
Allowing a new member into the club creates risks for everyone else.
The teaser shows how the Psycho Squad might acquire a new member.
And ICBC's board got a new member: John Thornton, who retired as Goldman's co-president in 2003 to teach at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Last week, in Oakland, voters unhappy with the city's old politicians elected to the California Assembly a new member with similarly peculiar credentials.
Voters in the Douglas West constituency will go to the polls on 23 May to elect a new member of the House of Keys.
That is particularly true of Poland, which is bigger than all the other new member states combined, and the only one with a free-floating currency.
Other payroll taxes and indirect taxes mean that the overall tax burden in the new member states is still similar to that in the old.
So I took a little time off, went to the Rolling Stones concert Wednesday night and flew out here Sunday morning for the new member orientation.
And after Derek rapped a forecast for the coming weekend, they declared they would sack bandmate Maggot to make way for him as their new member.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | GLC give Red Nose Day rap lessons
Her comments were dismissed by Mr Dismore, who said she was a very new member of the committee and hadn't participated in most of the inquiry's deliberations.
The more members we have the better the prices we can get: the marginal cost of a new member is the cost of printing his membership card.
Turkey met the last condition for accession talks in July 2005, when it extended a customs union with the EU to all new member states, including Cyprus.
Launching at the same time is a new member of the Windows family - Windows RT - designed for ARM-based tablets and available pre-installed on new devices.
They were inducting a new member to the chapter and Mr. Smith thought it would be a good time for me to see the Commanderie in action.
WSJ: A Peek Into the Exclusive World of Wine Societies | On Wine by Lettie Teague
The risk seems to be cumulative: The more people in a family who have a condition, the more likely it is that a new member will also suffer.